that one time... (aka 'stupid cat fic') (crack, pg-13) by
holdmetightxyunho/changmin (yoochun/hishand), 1222 words.
this is all
yuxo's fault. i will never, ever live this fic down. sigh, brb killing myself.
'I don’t have the time for this,' Jaejoong states, arms crossed across his chest as he stares down at the kitten in the middle of the table, 'seriously, no time at all.' )
“There’s really only one way we’ll find out.” Junsu finally says and reaches out a hand towards the cat, Changmin, to which it swats a paw and bites down hard on Junsu’s index finger. Yunho cries a little inside.
“My boyfriend,” Yunho manages with a deep suction of breath, “is a cat.”
ROFL. Because even as a cat, Min's going to give you hell and be a bitch of a cat to take care of.
Except it's more than a 24 hour thing and it takes 3 days of stress and a ridiculously energetic kitten for it to get too much and for Yunho to wake up in the morning with warmth pressed against his front instead of a ball of fluff up his nose.
And since yuxi already quoted back your entire last section, which I so approve of as well, I'll quote only a sentence. It's so ridiculous how cute the mental image is in my head of Yunho snuggling with a kitten (and not a cat skfjgnskjh;dfnksh) because it's Changmin and not matter what he loves that boy in any shape or form.
This was awesome. Really. ♥
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