What is this world coming to...seriously?

Jul 03, 2005 02:34

What a day...I missed Kris's Grad party b/c I literally couldn't get out of bed. I hate being sick. (I still love you, Krissy!) I hate missing things like that. *sighs* You know what else I hate? IWhen people don't realize what they had until it's in jeopardy or already gone. Or don't even realize...ever. Whatever. I'm over it.


Niagara Community's Musical for next year is


I'M SOOO EFFING EXCITED!!!!  I am working my ASS off this summer losing weight/making myself invincible- so I can be Magenta! I will kill anyone who tries to get in my way...lol... all of the 15 ppl that'll be attending! lol It was one of the (many) things that I got friends addicted to...and...I LOVE HER! AHHH!! (We all know who I should be...seeing as how I've dressed as him enough...but alas...lol)

I just watched a really good movie called "Diary of a Mad Black Woman". The quote that stuck w/me from it was...

"You know when you're truly in love w/someone...when, in your heart, you can't be just friends."

I'll leave all those thoughts w/you. Goodnight friends!

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