...Of more woe...that that of Juliet..OR her Romeo...wait? What? lol

Jul 02, 2005 02:29

So...today was just...a perfect day! It started by me taking the day off to see Tim before he leaves for NYC. I hung out w/him, Kris and Mike ...we went to Mississippi Mudds and ate...AKA I paid for Tim lol... then we walked by the river where tim proceeded to try to jump into the water/pull a HUGE tree stick thing outta the water... then we found a duckie family and watched them swim forever! lol So next we headed over to Veteran's Park and played fun games for a LONG time...(YaY for claustrophobia and slides :D) Then I called Greggie and he came to play/pick me up. Once we headed out we went shopping together @ Tops to get nibbies for SIDP!! (Peaches, Grapes, Cherries and Iced Ted) *Moments from the day at the end* We then picked up Adam Bouley and went to R & J! It was SO much fun b/c the moment we walked up Michelle recognized me and was like..."Hi Angelia! Lee's back again!" (Lee was an intern w/me) and then we staked out our spot up front. Amanda Losi was there! She is WAAAAY too cute!!! :D The show was amazing...not @ all like I thought it would be b/c the way Kristine/Mike explained it, it seemed like it was crazy. I thought everything was great. ESPECIALLY Paul Todaro!!! He is the PERFECT Mercutio! I mean..he was meant for that role. That and Petruchio...but he played that part already! lol @ Intermission, I saw Tracy and we talked for a while about shows we did etc. and then I saw Lee and discussed life w/her too! Eileen gave me a hug..she's so cute!! So...the show finished... yeahyeah... Matt Gellan was in it...and he's SO full of himself! Wow. w/e. *shrugs* I'm over it. (except the hilarious fact that he thinks he's gonna beat out Scinta and JRo for KTMTW! HA!)...ANYWAYZ..(lol)... Then Anne-Greg-Adam-Me-Tracy-Other cast/crew ppl went to Pano's. Everyone showed up though. Hilary Walker showed up w/hr BF or someone...Arianna was there (from Henry IV Pt I) and it was a good time! The only thing that stunk was that I was absolutely FREEZING during the second half of the show! Eep! But...Greg kept me warm... :) Then Greg drove me home as we sang Kiss Me, Kate! in the car. Then we pulled up and were talking when we noticed these two guys heading into my Grandparents' yard and Greg got all protective and drove away, and eventually we drove to Sunoco and called my mom to make sure they were gone. heehee...Greg was so protective of me..it was cute. I was really pissed off... THEN seeing Brandon Gorman @ Sunoco buying booze w/a fake ID (from Connecticut) and driving away...I just....hate ppl SO much sometimes!! Like...more than I can explain. So then he dropped me off and was like "Hurry...I'm not kidding...run into your house."...It was really adorable..just b/c I'm not used to being "taken care of". *grins big*

So...it was a great day altogether! YaY!


Greg: So...you realize we're shopping together, right?
Angelia: yeah...?
Greg: We're married.

Mike: Tim!!!
Angelia: Tim! Put down the damn stick NOW!
Tim: ....But I like the stick.
Mike: Yeah...we know...
Angelia: ...all too well.

:The humping situation @ the Park that ate a hole in my heart...I mean it. It actually hurt my heart:

Angelia: YOU can get your shoe, Greggie! Get it!
*the shoe falls on her head*
Angelia: Damn! Curses!

:The massive attempts on Mike's part to keep Tim away from Kristine...that didn't work. lol Mikey!:

Angelia: I was waiting for you to say "kay, great." And you didn't.
Adam:...Kay, great.

:The three cherries that were the three of us @ Shakespeare! *wink*:

Adam: I'm not ******* tho, am I?
Angelia: No!...except for your voice.
Adam: *shocked-hates her*
Angelia: *pesters him until he likes her again*

:Me trying to explain GayGay, DykeGay and StraightDykeGay to Kris, Mike and Tim...guess you'll never get it:
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