Apr 05, 2009 16:47

I forgot to tell you all.

Beth was staying the night at our house, and she decided to tell me a bedtime story(yes, yes...).

I asked if she would retell me the one about a three-inch-tall Ohno Satoshi and his little tiny piano that had jungle animals painted on it(completely out of her own head, I sware), but she said she couldn't remember all the words. So she decided to tell me a story about L.

I had a hard time not giggling hysterically through the whole story, it was SO freaking CUTE. I adore interrupting her for questions that help the story along.

She said that L turned into an angel, and that he went to heaven - where ALL the angels go, of course - and that he had a white robe and "a little circle thing above his head".

I asked if she meant a halo. She halted, a little confused, and said that it was golden. I asked if he could have a blue one. She said no. I said okay.

He went up into heaven. And God made him an angel, and he was happy in heaven. Then God sent him down to protect all of us, she told me, to watch over us. I said I was very happy L was looking out for everybody.

Then, since I was SO tired from digging holes, and because her little child's drawl is so thick and adorable, I could've sworn I heard her say, "And L pwotect us fwom the Walwus."

"The walruses?!" I asked, aghast at such a mental image as evil walruses coming to attack us, and L with full-on angelic gear coming to our rescue.

"NOOOO! THE WOBBEWS!" She argued adamantly. MTM was now cackling beside me on the bed.

"She said robbers, Ryuuzaki," she explained.

Oh, well that made sense.

But I still like to imagine L fighting a walrus.


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