
Sep 09, 2009 01:17

NAME: Pura
AGE: 20 sob

NAME: Axel Pyres
SERIES/SOURCE: Kingdom Hearts
AGE: 19 - (Was undercover at the Xavier Institute as a 17 yearold)
ROLE: Student

BACKGROUND: Axel was born and raised San Diego, California, to Richard and Marie Pyres, an American attorney and a French translator, who works in the French Embassy in San Diego. Because of their jobs, Axel’s parents were rather absent through much of his life, usually only appearing for a short while at the end of the day for the usual rushed take-out dinner before disappearing into their respective offices. This meant that Axel was often left to do what he wanted, and from an early age Axel started showing signs of sociopathic tendencies, using people and not caring if he hurt them once he’d gotten what he wanted.

Axel mostly had a normal sort of upbringing, and went to a good school, had good grades - mainly because he was smart enough to maintain a good grade point average without having to do practically any work, often cutting class and not doing homework much to the irritation of his teachers (he was smug about it too, which pretty much always landed him detention) - and gave the impression that he was a pretty okay kid most of the time, if you excluded all the smarmy, smug overconfidence and his smart talking mouth. Outwardly, he was a witty, friendly young man - especially if you had something that he wanted - and he would continue to be that way, blinding you from the fact that he was using you, until he got what he wanted. Axel went through a lot of girlfriends this way.

By the time he hit puberty, his powers had manifested, but he didn’t realise it till it was almost the end of his junior year, and he and a couple of his friends had decided to torch the principals car, which, much to Axel’s surprise, he found he could do without the use of a lighter or matches - or even lighter fluid. The resulting explosion landed him a suspension, and his parents became ever more distant all the more unsure about him now that he was a mutant. Axel, with nothing to do with his time, began practising his powers and was soon picked up by a group known only as the Organization, who offered to help hone his skills as well as money for helping them in their affairs. Axel disappeared from his Californian home at the age of 16 and spent the next couple of years in New York, working for the Organization, which turned out to be a crime ring, happy to use his powers and get paid for it, not caring about who he hurt or what he burned to the ground. There he met the young mutant Naminé, who was put in his care whilst she was with the Organization. Axel also helped her escape, for presumably sympathetic reasons.

Shortly after he turned 17, the police managed to catch him as he was fleeing the scene of a large arson attack on a senate that he’d been issued to carry out and he was detained and questioned. The police got nothing about them out of him, Axel claiming that he’d only just gotten his powers and that it had been an accident or if he was working for anyone, and presumed he was merely a runaway out of control mutant, and was shipped back to California and his parents. They were given the option of having him sent to juvenile hall, or a specialist mutant facility where he could learn to use his powers in a positive way. They chose the lesser of two evils, and sent him to the Xavier Institute.

Or at least. That’s what the botched police report said. In actuality, Axel was closer to 19, and had been working undercover for the Brotherhood of Mutants for some time. He and another of the Organization ultimately caused it’s demise from the inside out, and switched sides where the money was better and the causes better suited Saix, Axel’s boss. With the Organization out of the way and some of the members recruited to the Brotherhood, Axel was given a new mission, to infiltrate the Xavier Institute and send detailed reports back to the Brotherhood on what Professor Xavier was doing, as well as to recruit when the Brotherhood finally reared its head. He was there for almost 5 months before he was revealed to be a double agent, but by that point it didn’t matter, as he rejoined the brotherhood soon afterward which is where he is today.

PERSONALITY: First and foremost, Axel is extremely intelligent, though exactly how intelligent is anyone’s guess, as it’s likely that you’ll never really know. He comes off most of the time as a witty, confident smartass, and is rarely seen without a smile on his face - though whether that smile is a friendly one is debatable - and is generally a nice guy to hang around most of the time, but can also be hecka annoying. He enjoys pushing people and is smart enough to get away with it, but sometimes he does push a bit too far, which usually lands him detention.

Axel is a jerk, manipulating people with his charms and friendly outward appearance to get what he wants, blinding them from the fact that they are being used and then not caring when he eventually loses the need for them, and tosses them aside. He is a very good actor, particularly when it comes to influencing people to get what he wants as well as fooling people into thinking that he’s actually their friend. As long as something benefits him, he doesn’t care who he hurts to get it. On the rare occasion, Axel sometimes helps out other people, even if it won’t benefit him, but these situations are few and far between. He is incredibly selfish and an extremely good liar, and only lets on what he wants you to know about him, keeping all his skeletons locked firmly in his closest.

Axel is very confident in his own abilities, in a way that comes off as conceited and big headed and a lot of people pass this off, combined with his general demeanour, as overconfidence, as he plays down his intelligence to make you think that way. Axel isn’t the first to rush recklessly into a situation without giving it at least some thought, preferring to plan his moves rather than running at the target and hoping that it gets burnt, and is not the type to throw a hissy fit if he fails in his endeavours, as he is surprisingly cool and collected, though can have a nasty temper if driven to the point where he snaps.

APPEARANCE: Axel is tall and lanky, standing at about 6’2” with a tiny waist and a build that looks like he’s been undernourished for most of his life (which is far from the truth, he eats like nobody’s business). His main distinguishing features are his bright red, spiked hair, which he dyes and gels right back on a regular basis and claims is part of his mutation, and two dark purple almost-black upside-down tear drop tattoos under each eye, the combination of which make him look like a rather odd and lanky clown. He has bright green eyes, which the tattoos help to highlight, as well as pale skin, and a pointed, angular face. In fact, almost everything about him is pointy. His natural hair colour is black, and can sometimes be seen before he’s redyed his roots. Axel typically wears dark colours, which include, but is not limited to, black, zipped hooded tops and jeans.

POWERS: Axel is a pyrokinetic. He can create fire and manipulate fire, as well as being able to control any other naked flame. He does have limitations though, if there is too much moisture in the air around him (if it’s raining or there is a high humidity percentage) he cannot use his powers. Axel uses fireballs and blasts primarily and is a near perfect aim. He can also make ‘firewalls’ as well as flamethrowers but both these takes a lot out of him, and he usually needs to rest before he can use any of his powers again. But with practise, Axel will eventually be able to use these almost limitlessly.

ANYTHING ELSE?: Axel has a pet Doberman called Assassin (also known as Sassy) back home and is pretty much fluent in French.


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