May 24, 2010 02:24
1. Describe your style as a Gal.
Pink, colorful, cute, girly.
2. Which models inspire you to get dressed?
I'm not so much inspired by models, more by street snaps of real life gals just doing gal in their normal lives
3. Which brands are you wearing lately?
LEI is the big one, they've come out with some great stuff. But I'm not really a brand whore or anything; if it looks hot then I'll wear it regardless of who made it.
4. What was your first thing from 109?
I've never been so...
5. What compliment about your wardrobe do you like best?
That my clothes look fashionable but mature and suited to me.
6. What do you wear most often?
Faded jeans and a fancy top
7. I like getting...
Letters from my pen-pals and makeup
8. What do you look at first when you see a Gal?
Hair and makeup. I've seen gals in their pajamas but with full faces of makeup and hair done.
9. What Gal rules have you broken?
I think mostly tanning---I'm medically unable to tan though, so it's not like I'm doing it just because I don't want to (doc said one more burn like the last one I had and I'll be getting skin cancer anytime). Circle lenses, but I'm getting some of those soon; the big one is probably that I'm still very shy. But I have a feeling lots of gals are shy, they just manage to hide it very well.
10. What would you never wear?
Booty-shorts out in public. No one needs to see all that!
11. What do you think is essential for a good look?
Effort, confidence, and knowledge about what you're trying to achieve.
12. How do you feel when viewed as a Gal?
Not many people around me know about gal, so I've never been truly called out as one. I do get compliments though.
13. Do you have many friends that are Gal?
A few, but I'm really picky. A lot of Ameri-gals are total bitches and I won't put up with that shit.
14. What is the next thing that you plan to buy, that you desperately need?
Circle lenses and some awesome nails
15. What's your favorite accessory?
Earrings; I wear them even though I am currently healing a hematoma behind my right ear. I feel naked without them!
16. Sexy, monotone or elegant?
Elegant mixed with sexy
17. Would you wear clothes that aren't in fashion?
If it's a timeless classic then yes; if it's just plain old and tired, then no.
18. What is your current obsession?
Stripes. I love them, they are so in this year! I got some new striped tops and a striped bag recently!
19. Do you like to spread Gal fashion? How do you do it?
I do; I blog and have written school papers on it. Given some of the people who looked at it afterwards were frightened (prolly found outdated manba pics on google, can't stand that), but once I showed them current pics of my favorite styles they were more intrigued than scared.
20. What advice would you give to someone starting out?
Get the hair and makeup perfect before you do anything else. If you have these 2 elements, you can make anything look good!