Earlier this year,
elvisglasses5 produced
The Park Bench Anthology, a beautifully typeset collection of Dean/Castiel fics printable in multiple layouts. I drooled. I file > saved as. I debated ditching my personal "No R+ rated fic at work" rule to use the office printer for fic printing. It's an awesome collection, you guys.
Well, now
elvisglasses5's done another.
And it has "Apocrypha of Chuck" in it. MY SQUEE, LET ME SHOW YOU IT.
It's so freaking awesome to see my own words laid out all nicely on the page. And to know the person who put them there cared enough about something I wrote to want to share it in an artistic fashion? Well, shit, color me flattered.
This actually makes me want to redouble my efforts to get my original work published so I can see more of my words laid out all nice. I may have to print out the first page of this and put it on the wall next to my writing inspiration.
Other news: This weekend, I have con. Next weekend, I'm moving. "Code of Chuck" is about two scenes from the end, with both scenes partially written, and I'm doing my damnedest to finish it before the Wall O' Busy descends fully. Funny how the sequel to a fic that took five days to write is taking foreeehhhhver. I'm hoping the third and final book in the 'verse will take less than foreeehhhhver to write (but more than five days, because that was brutal).
Oh, and you can hold me to this: If I start posting a multi-part fic, I will finish it. I promise. It may take me ages, but I'll do it. I'm pathologically unable to let go of writing projects once I've shown them to people. I'm still working on the fantasy series I started twelve years ago, fer chrissakes. (It's on the final book and going quite well, thankyouverymuch.)