1. I WANT TO CHANGE MY VOICEMAIL TO THAT! But my cell plan doesn't have the "State your name" type message.
...My work phone does. And no one ever calls it.
3. Cas: *angst*
Dean: "I know all about deadbeat dads."
Cas: "How do you deal with it?"
Me: "I just wrote this conversation in fic. THE ANSWER IS MAKING OUT, CAS! THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS MAKING OUT!"
Dean: "On a good day, you kill the whore."
Me: "BALLS."
4. Sammy fills my little heart with joy. OH, SAM. I LOVE THAT YOU'RE THE HOPEFUL VOICE OF REASON AGAIN. <333333333
5. Castiel: "You breed with a goat's mouth. ...It's funnier in Enochian."
sockkiah: "Oh, I get it, it's a joke about goat blowjobs."
I got a Horny Goat beer to drink while posting this. It seemed appropriate. (For the curious: the type is "Hopped Up N' Horny," which is hoppy and not very good, and there is a slutty she-goat with boobs wearing a tube top on the label. THANKS, WISCONSIN. THIS IS WHY ANGELS HATE YOU.)
6. The ending...oh god. I love it - LOVE. IT. - when this show rips my heart out. I love it when anything fictional rips my heart out, because I love being that engaged in fiction. It's like magic. Show makes you feel something extreme - glee, pain, or in this case, physical nausea - for imaginary people.
The real reason I'm a writer is this kind of magic. I want to experience it. I want to make it. I want to torture a character and cause a friend to say "I hate you" for it. The hate means it's working.
Anyway, I loved the ending, while hating Dean for it and hating the writers for it and hating the Supernatural!verse for being a place where something so awful could happen.
If you're still reeling from that ending and want some comfort, it may help to watch the promo clips from next week. It did for me and
7. THIS SHIT GOES DOWN IN MINNESOTA, AND THERE ARE LUTHERANS BUT NO HOT DISH OR BAR-SHAPED DESSERTS? OH FER CHRISSAKES, DO YOUR RESEARCH, WRITERS! *goes uber-Minnesotan, raving about them there Vikes and how's that weather treatin' ya and hits the writing staff with a fiberglass fish statue*
On a completely unrelated note, I have clearly been watching this show too much and reading Craigslist apartment ads too much, because last night I had a dream that
sockkiah and I went to tour a really nice apartment but the landlord was Lucifer. He actually seemed like he'd be a pretty chill guy, and he was going to take $50 off the rent for yardwork, but he was Lucifer so we had to tell him we'd sleep on it.
The next door tenants vouched for him being a pretty awesome landlord. But they also said their apartment was half-owned by God. So, y'know. No telling how that affected their landlord situation.
sockkiah and I have since had a serious talk about what we would do if we came across a perfect apartment that was owned by Lucifer. We reached the consensus that a few things would need to be added to the lease. Like "Landlord may not set himself on fire while inside the house," because he seems to have a tendency to get set on fire. And "If all of Landlord's wildest dreams come true, tenants get to grope Landlord's ass," because then he'd be wearing a pretty fine ass.
Also, I think it goes without saying that we'd take the $50 rent deduction and do the yardwork. Hells yeah.
ETA: And another Lucifer dream. He was performing live on NPR with a folk band. I guess being a landlord allows him the financial independence to pursue creative projects? (Relatedly: What the crap, brain? Stop dreaming about Lucifer.)
ETA 2: Vague spoilers for the next episode's promo clips in the comments.