Week 18
4. "Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway. -- Steven Coallier"
Actually, it's probably not.
That's one of the problems with being immortal-at least, if you don't want to be (Why the fuck anyone would want to be is something I cannot comprehend. Of all the curses in my life, this one is probably the worst, though less so now than it
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...The only things that make it bearable now are that one of the people that cares most about me in this world has taken up an immortality--not of his choice, but because of who and what he is to Africa. And that my wife is doing her damnedest to find a way to keep from leaving me. Knowing her, she will.
If she ever figures it out, you let me know how.
Be sure I will.
You're a peach, darlin'.
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