As Judas is lost in his thoughts, a young girl bounds happily around. Her arms are splayed out as she skips through the cobblestones. It's just that she wasn't watching where she was going. She bumps directly into Leon (thankfully not causing a Colette hole).
Colette rubs her nose and suddenly blinks at the man she ran into, "Oh! I'm sorry, Mister!" She bows slightly, "I didn't mean to...!"
Ah! *Judas catches Colette before she falls any further after crashing into him.*
Watch where you're going... *he looks at her face after she rises from her apologetic bow and recognizes her as the one who petted him and called him Mr. Fluffers when he was an oresoren.*
Colette blinks at Judas, and gives him a confused look, "I'm...?" She gives him a confused look, "I'm Colette! And you are?" She asks, pointing at him, "Unless your name is 'Mask Man', I don't know it..."
Colette looks deep in thought, "Judas? What a strange name..." She smiles lightly, "Where I come from, there's a mean man named Judas who did a very bad thing..." She giggles lightly, but then realizes what she said and stops, "But I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong, Mister Judas, I'm sorry I even brought it up."
( How unusual. The general public would believe the same thing about me from what I've done in the past. A strange coincidence that Kyle gave me that name and it actually means something in another world. )
No, it's alright. The name doesn't mean anything back in my home world.
"I see." Colette says, "Well, Mister Judas, are you on a trip here too? All of my friends and I have been here for a long while. It's kind of scary..." She looks down towards the floor, "Hopefully we can all go home soon..."
Colette is about to speak up, but then quietly calms down, "I'm sorry you lost your friends, Mister Judas." The Chosen suddenly smiles, though, "If it would make you feel better, I'll be your friend! Then we can work together and then you can return and meet your friends then, alright?"
She didn't seem to realize that if he went home to his friends, he'd lose her as a friend as well...
*smiles slightly* You have a kind heart. Unfortunately, I don't know how people can be returned to their world willingly. Some people have been here for months.
Colette frowns lightly, as if mad at the fact that the rules were so mean, "Well then, if we can't go back if we're willing, then we'll just have to work hard to look like we're NOT willing to go back, and then we can go!" Colette blinks, "Or something like that. Don't worry, Mister Judas. If I know anything, it's that everything turns out alright in the end."
I have a friend who says exactly the same thing. I'm sure he has a stress free life living like that. *pauses to thing for a moment*
I believe there are a few outsiders from this world who are trying to study on exactly why we've been brought here and about the pair of goddesses who reign in this world. Their names are Klarth and Keele but unfortunately, I don't know where they reside at the moment.
"Oh, so they left somewhere?" Colette asks, "Why don't we go search for them around town?" She reaches out and takes Judas' hand, dragging him off, "Come on, Mister Judas! We'll have lots of fun!"
As Judas is lost in his thoughts, a young girl bounds happily around. Her arms are splayed out as she skips through the cobblestones. It's just that she wasn't watching where she was going. She bumps directly into Leon (thankfully not causing a Colette hole).
Colette rubs her nose and suddenly blinks at the man she ran into, "Oh! I'm sorry, Mister!" She bows slightly, "I didn't mean to...!"
Watch where you're going... *he looks at her face after she rises from her apologetic bow and recognizes her as the one who petted him and called him Mr. Fluffers when he was an oresoren.*
( I knew it. So Kyle saying that only a week has passed is true... It looks like everyone but Stahn and the others are still here. )
*notices that he's becoming lost in thought again and quickly responds.*
Judas. My name is Judas.
No, it's alright. The name doesn't mean anything back in my home world.
The ones I knew were returned to their world. *sighs as he misses the group he traveled with 18 years ago that he considered as friends.*
She didn't seem to realize that if he went home to his friends, he'd lose her as a friend as well...
*smiles slightly* You have a kind heart. Unfortunately, I don't know how people can be returned to their world willingly. Some people have been here for months.
I have a friend who says exactly the same thing. I'm sure he has a stress free life living like that. *pauses to thing for a moment*
I believe there are a few outsiders from this world who are trying to study on exactly why we've been brought here and about the pair of goddesses who reign in this world. Their names are Klarth and Keele but unfortunately, I don't know where they reside at the moment.
It appears the girl won't take no for an answer!
*mumbles to self* I'm not sure how this will be fun though...
*he wonders who to even ask about where Klarth and Keele are...*
Wait, I think Sheena might know where at least Klarth is.
It's not too far from here. Just down a few streets. *leads Colette towards Will's house of wayward adventurers*
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