Ah- ah-
[Will winces and tries to position the PCD to his face- accidentally smearing the camera lens with blood and obscuring the view. The part of him that's still visible is bleeding a little heavily, and he's struggling to breathe, eyes squeezed shut.]
-'s okay. All good. Fine.
[He swallows hard and tries to crawl forward a little,
Read more... )
[His voice is not as sharp and authoritative as it should have been. He has been rattled. Fucking Madara and his fucking nonsense.
Also, brb, totally breaking out of the clinic to come get your stupid ass.]
[It's what she does. She's also gently pressing the top of her head against one of his worse wounds, attempting to stifle the bleeding with an alarmed coo.]
Do not move. And do not die. Is that clear?
[Seriously, do not die. He is on the end of his rope as it is.]
You should not have gone after him... can you stand?
[He looks delighted that Lance is back though- Xatu doesn't move from her spot near his side, but her eyes are glowing, attempting to Wish him back to health- and while it can't heal him (he's not a pokemon, after all), it is keeping him relatively stable. Her breath is starting to come out in short pants though, and from the damage done to her, it's clear that it won't last for particularly long.]
-just... following orders. [A weak smile.] 'Quiet'. He was- noisy, you know?
Let me find bandages. I can stop the bleeding enough so Xatu can return to her pokeball, so I can bring you to the clinic.
[And he is up to limp make his way to the first aid kit.]
[He gulps in a deep breath and slowly lifts his hands to touch Xatu's clawed foot, smiling faintly.]
I suppose I'll stay here, then.
[Cheerful, even in times like these, though it's taking quite a bit out of him to be so.]
[And he's back, with bandages. Look, he's even prepared!]
How injured is Xatu?
[As Lance presses towels against Will's wounds.]
[He lifts an arm lazily to help, hissing in through his teeth. That hurts.]
Nnm, show him.
[This is directed at Xatu herself, and she eyeballs Lance for a moment, before stretching out her wing- it's completely charred and featherless on the underside, as well as the part where it was pressed up against her body. However, the wounds don't look particularly bad- she's been Wishing herself almost constantly since it happened- it looked a few weeks into the healing process now, with small feathers just barely beginning to grow back in.
It's still hard to tell who's blood is staining her feathers, though. Probably both.]
[Lance is murmuring to himself, after a quick glance at Xatu, carefully binding Will's wounds as quickly as he can. Dragonite was not so lucky.
His fingers slip and he curses under his breath.]
I am sorry, Will, that you got involved in this.
I- I wanted to battle, hm? It's in me- c-competitiveness, or whatever. He g-gave it to me. Kind of- really ugly, really...
[He's not making much sense. It's alright.]
You just- gave me something to do. I 'ppreciate it.
[And he is tying off the most severe of the wounds with a slight frown.]
Come. We have to get you to the clinic.
[He struggles to sit up with a little psychic push from Xatu.]
You know, when you- I mean, if it were reversed, I-I'd probably have screamed the place down, haha- ow.
[And, with an arm around his waist, Lance helps him stand.]
Besides, pretending to be calm is really the way to go. You can panic on the inside as long as you can get done what you need to on the outside.
[Which is really what he's doing.]
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