masked_ball prompt submission, round ii -- NOW CLOSED

May 14, 2009 10:42

Announcing the opening of masked_ball, 2009 Bastille Day edition! Welcome to old friends and new members. There was some great art/fic last winter, and I hope we can do the same again. The rules will be familiar, but I'll be adding some stuff about previously unclaimed prompts and the like, so it'd probably be a good idea to skim them again.

Here's how it works:
You will all submit story ideas, or "prompts," to this post, which we will then compile, list, and open for claiming. Claiming will be anonymous (but please, no claiming your own prompt) and restricted to one person per claim. You'll have until the 13th of July to write/draw, and posting will begin on July 14th, Bastille Day, and continue through the month.

Sign ups/prompts will be closed at 12 noon Eastern Daylight Time (New York), May 23rd
Prompt claiming will begin on May 24th at 10 EDT and operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sumbission deadline is July 13th, though you are encouraged to submit any time you are finished.

This fest is for Phantom of the Opera related fiction and art. Any canon, any genre, any rating. All submissions must be new and created for this fest, and must not be posted elsewhere until after we reveal the participants at the end of August.

There is no limit on the number of prompts you can submit; feel free to come back and post again, if you're inspired. They should each include the following (use the form below):

Your name: What you'd like to be called, especially if you are not an LJ user.
Art or Fiction: Art, Fiction or Either
Canon: From Leroux to Lon Chaney to 2004, and everything in between. Keep in mind that requesting little-known canons may result in no one choosing your prompt, but don't let that stop you. There is room for Argento!fic along with everything else. This can also be "any" or "any except..." NO CANON BASHING, please.
Characters: Characters you want to be included; can be "any" or "all" and relationships can be clarified in the next section.
Scenario: The story idea. There's no theme. Can be as specific or general as you want, but keep in mind both extremes can make things difficult on the writer. Example: Christine comes back to Erik only to find him moved in with the Persian or Erik's days with a traveling fair. Be creative!
Squicks: Things you do not want to read in this story. This can be anything from "I hate fluff" to "no rats" to "no incest/rape/BDSM."
Maximum Rating: Your threshold. If you are under 18, please do not request adult fic, in accordance with LJ rules.


Your name:
Art or Fiction:
Maximum Rating:

By submitting a prompt, you are not obligated to create fiction or art. Likewise, due to the nature of the fest, submitting a prompt or writing/drawing does not guarantee that you will get a story in return.

A few words about previous unclaimed prompts/defaults:
I'm not interested in penalizing those who didn't managed to finish last time. I understand that some people didn't get expected prompts fulfilled, but I'd rather put that behind us and move on. So I'm leaving it up to the individual: if you would rather finish up your previous prompt, you can submit it to me at any time and I'll include it in this round. If you want to sign up for this round, I only ask that you feel confident about your ability to finish.

As for unclaimed prompts from the first round, I want to deal with these in two ways:
1) You may resubmit prompts you made that were not fulfilled, though I hope you'll add some new ones, too. You can even tweak them if you've thought of a more potentially attractive way of asking.
2) You may claim previously unclaimed prompts only after you've submitted your art/fic for this round. Much as was the policy last time, about coming and claiming more when you were done, I'd like to open up last round's prompts. But I want to make sure the focus is on the people/prompts that are current.

Please ask questions if this doesn't make sense. I hope it's a good compromise.

  • The minimum word count is 1,000.
  • We are not requiring that you have your fic beta'd, but please use your best judgment. We do reserve the right to request corrections if fic is submitted with significant errors.
  • All stories should be able to stand alone.
  • Please submit your story as a file attachment in ".doc" format, complete with all LJ coding.
  • Please supply appropriate warnings, if necessary.

  • Can be in any medium, including comic form, but be able to stand alone.

Further submission guidelines and beta volunteering will follow, so watch this community for future announcements. You can also check the profile for previous submission guidelines, as they will be pretty much the same.

Joining masked_ball:
Everyone taking part should add the comm to their friends list. All posting will be done by the mods, to preserve anonymity.

Other info/problems:
Please contact me at if you have any questions or problems, from instructions to deadlines.

Submit prompts to this post, starting now!

I hope you'll tell your friends, and remind them they don't have to be LJ members to participate!

prompt submission, mod post

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