First of all, thank you so much to everyone who's participated, either by submitting, reading, or commenting. There's some awesome stuff here and I've enjoyed every single one. I hope you'll continue to write/art in POTO fandom, and give us goodies throughout the year in our various communities.
I've posted everything that's been submitted*, which means the Reveal will happen tomorrow, to give everyone a chance to read before we spill the beans.
If you haven't finished your story/art, or haven't submitted it, do not think this means we don't want to see it. I will post submissions for as long as I get them, and we will all be delighted to get something new on our friends lists. If I get a flurry of submissions tonight/tomorrow, I may push back the Reveal to allow time for posting/reading.
In the meantime, please let me know how you think this went. I had a great time putting it together (thanks to
tkp for being my sounding board) but I want to know what worked, what didn't, if you'd like to do it again, what you'd change, etc. This doesn't work without all of you, so I need to know anything that will make it work better for you in the future.
Thank you, and stay tuned!
*If you've submitted something, and I have not posted it, please contact me at mydaroga @ because it's probably a clerical error. I need a new secretary. One who isn't me.