it's that time once again kids...

Apr 04, 2006 07:15

The Good -
A new Tool song, Vicarious, will be released on radio April 17th :-) .. I can't wait ... I mixed a really cool band last night called "I love you but I've choosen darkness" and they were super complimentery of my work that was nice.. I will find a tour yet... going to look at a "new" truck today.. it's a 2002 Tacoma .. hopefuly something will come of that .... also this cute girl at cariboo coffee was complimenting my Pink Floyd shirt and gave me my large coffee for the price of a med ... it wrong I'm more excited about the cheep coffee?.. hehe

The Bad - I was at the Earl last night till 1:00 .. didn't get to sleep till almost 2:00 and then had to be back up at 7:00 to come help load in a show ... nothing like this rock n roll lifestyle .. or something like that ...

The Ugly - When I got here I found out they had loading dock issues and probably aren't going to need me for another hour or so... I could have slept damn it!!!.. and a Mercadess SUV tried to merge with me on 75 today.. luckly my cat like reflexes saved me... heheheheh .. okay.. actuly he saw and moved back over.. but I'm sticking with the cat like reflexes... it just sounds better ..


Mr West - .. I got your call man.. but it was pretty hetic last night.. I will hit you up today after this show is under wraps...

Katie - sorry I couldn't call you last night.. but as fore mentioned it was a busy ones.. and there were some monitor issues.. and blah blah blah .. oh.. and don't worry about the coffee girl.. I'm just using her for the cheep cofee ;-)

Cin - Stop trying to have a busier life than me.. it's not going to happen! :-P .. oh wait.. you have teenagers..never mind.. I concede :-)

okay.. enough of my rambling.. back to my coffee.. hope this finds you all well
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