Dec 13, 2004 18:50
FINALLY OMG!!!! my gay ass dad got fed up with pop ups and decided to disable cookies, he didnt kno that that also didnt let me go to my LJ or or like a hundred other sites and then he refused for like an hour to turn it off, so i finally figured it out uuuugh such a waste of my time!!! so ya now i can finally update this thing. well nothin really happened today cept.. I ALMOST DIED! lol twice. allison was driving us home and she jes got her liscence a couple months ago and i go 'allison? have u ever driven in the snow before?' and she goes 'nope.' greeeaaat. so it was really really snowing and icy and then a bus came and almost nailed us omg it was like 2 inches away from the front of the car and allison screamed and the bus completly cut us off. THEN we were at the stop light at dover n hilliard and we were stopped and allison, having never driven in the snow before, did who knos wut and next thing is we're swirving into and out of the next lane. omg it was the scariest thing ever, she was turning the wheel right and we were going left. good thing the car to our left was behind us but like a foot otherwise we def would have hit them. so ya im a lot happier than i have been teh whole week cuz its snowing. i love snow. yay snow. we're goin sno bladin on the 25th!!! yes!!!! in canada baby, at Sunshine. alright well i ahve 114 sentences to write in spanish jes conjugated a million diff verbs omg i got so much spanish hmwk its ridiculous. so ya im gona go now