Jul 25, 2009 20:40


so here is the message that i sent my stalker:


Obviously, hurting your feelings is never something would I set out to do. However, I think you deserve an honest explanation for my decision to end our friendship. I hope that you take this as it is and don’t dwell on it. Do not take it personally, do not get depressed, do not do anything but understand it and move on. There is no reason to show this letter to anyone else, because that would be dwelling. This is between you and me.

With that said, this is the last time I will talk to you and there will be no need to reply. I am going to explain myself very thoroughly so that all your questions will be answered. I am not yelling at you, I am not mad, I am just explaining and then letting go.

When I first met you, I thought you were really cool, nice, fun, funny, and someone I wanted to hang out with more. So I did. Slowly, you started complimenting me more and more. Compliments are nice, but only at the right moments. Every moment is not right. Most girls like compliments… but when they are from someone who they barely know, and when they are as frequent as they were with me, it comes off, to be completely blunt, a little creepy.

I came to visit you the first time because I just thought you were being kind and as soon as you knew I wasn’t interested, the compliments would fade away and we could just have a normal friendship. In person, you were really cool. The constant flow of compliments had dropped off, and we had the friendship that I liked. When I got home, the compliments started up again through texts, and doubled in number. This made me very uncomfortable, and made you look a little too in to me.

I’m not trying to be mean or rub it in, I just want you to know that I am not making this up and I have pulled some texts to help you understand my reasoning. These are texts that most girls would consider a little much not coming from a boyfriend:

“one week till heaven” - in reference to me coming to visit

“hey hun. How is the world’s most amazing woman doing today?” - I counted over 20 texts where you called me amazing.

“morning star light” “morning cutie” “good morning miss sunshine”

“every time I open my phone I smile cuz I c you smiling… it’s amazing… I feel happier just knowing you”
“Hey I changed my background no offense, I got tired of seeing you, it was like a tease”
“I put my background back to you… I missed seeing you”

“you’re an angel” - counted that about 5 times.. “well it’s not every day I get to see an angel”

“I’m so excited to see you soon… it’s like something to live for” - this was said about 2 or 3 weeks after we met.

“ur adorable” - counted a few of these

“night… but I just don’t see why you need all this beauty sleep… once you’re as beautiful as you are… you just can’t get any better”

“I got you 11 roses… I know what kind of guy would do such a thing, but truly when I give them to you, one would have 12 of the worlds’ most beautiful things” - friends don’t get friends roses, especially coupled with a comment like this.

“I miss you I won’t lie… my car doesn’t feel the same with you not here ”

This is the reason I brought up the compliment thing a while ago… I told you flat out that I didn’t like them and friends don’t talk to friends like that. You got sad, mad at yourself. I said don’t beat yourself up about it, let’s just move on. Then you went right back to “well you’re amazing” and when I changed the subject and said I learned a new song on the piano you said you felt like I learned it for you… I didn’t learn it for anyone but myself. and when I said it was pretty, you said “(really wanted to say) but not as pretty as its amazing player though” right after I had told you to stop those comments! I was beside myself.

I thought it was pretty clear I did not want to date you from the beginning… I told you I do not date guys shorter than me, normally don’t go for blondes, and I want to date someone at Miami. I figured you would have gotten the idea, especially because I never reciprocated your compliments.

Overall, you just seemed to get very attached very quickly. It seemed like you were constantly trying to impress me, constantly trying to hit on me, and constantly giving me compliments to get me to like you.

I mean, when I talked to you about ryan, you got very upset and felt the need to leave the country! You acted as if you never knew I was not interested in you and I just broke your heart. That was just ridiculous and made me realize more than ever that this friendship is really unhealthy.

Maybe I have it all wrong but the simple fact is that this is not the type of friendship I like to maintain. It is too late for changes, I just want to stop talking.

Again, I really hope you don’t take this hard on yourself and read too far in to it. Like I said, I may have it all wrong, and if I do then you can just laugh this all off and say “oh well!” and that would be fine with me. But please do not respond. Whether my reasoning is right, wrong, crazy, or not, I just wanted you to know how I feel.


APPARENTLY he mistook "there is no need to reply" for "please leave me a lengthy, rambling reply".  so this is what i got back:

well i reamber sonone kepts asking me to go to miami.. soneone wanted me really to go.. so how should i take that.
And i wont lie alot of my friends look for ccomplements, i complement everyone all the time.. i wish you would see that.. i just enjoy tring to make people feel good about them self. I mean really.. all i try to do is be amazing. I dont really try to impress anyone i swere i just try to be me and being me is what i try to do..
And i do get atahed to anyone and everyone quickly i mean i only care about a few people becasue of my job its imposible to be freind with everyone and its imposible to try and make them all feel amazing. im just sorry it all came off so wrong.
When i start dating a girl i go to the extent to stop talking to all the girls that i consider friends becasue most of the time it gets taken as me tring to make a pass on them when im not all im tring to do is make them feel good about themselfs.
Trust me Rhyan wasn't what made me leave.. I had the worlds worst moring. my car was broaken into i was two hours late to work. the work truck ble a tire and my gps was stollen and anything and everything went wrong then becasue i went with out sleep for so long i lost controle of how i felt and how i though. so really u just casue me at a bad time...
i just wish this could be fixed. like really a second chane would be great but u do what u feel is right but.. i think we both enjoyed hanging out.. and i wish we could keep doing it... im just really soory i didn't see all this,, but really im sorry. I wish we could had this conversation in person. like im sorry i never you knew the complements didnt make u happy but were creeping you out.. im just sorry.. But i really enjoyed being friends with you and sshowing you lots of new things. i had a great time.. i really just wish we could forgert this bad day i had.. i meean really i can act differently i mean i really thought u were an amazing friend and it seems so childish to burn bridges. cant we just keep in touch or something.. why end friend ships? am i really that bad of a guy that you would never want to see or talk to again?
Mara i dont care if you had it all wrong i would never laugh at you.. people have feeling and dont deserve that.. but whatever im sorry. i just never seen you as the type to just give up on people but maybe you are.. no wonder you dont make good friends. Good friends come through many ups and downs.,.. i used to like liz i told you about this but look where that turned out.. we are the worlds best friends now... and she knows i would never leave her hanging and im there and will support her 100 persent.. u just dont bail on people well i guess you do.. but im sorry... idc what you say.. im still here for you and i still will support you 100% of the way i will say i wont agree with it.. and the sad thing is this might end a friend ship with a great person.. but w.e. i hope ill see you again. i hope for alot but its in ur hands it seams..

i really think we just cought up at bad times. the day you came down i didn't want you too i was having a bad day like horable.. and sure i couldn't make u go home so i had to embrase that facet that you were here.. i had to still be a good friend.. well that was cool that was possible but then the moring i went off i was having a bad day as well.. my car was broken into and i had over 800 dollars stoll and then i was 2 hours late cuz i woke up late and then i got to work and drove about 30 mins and blew a tire and my gps was stoll as well so i was stranded and i was pissed and then idk its not a good excuse but i really had a bad time and a bad day.. you werent the reson for leaving the country i just had so much bad stuff going on that i knew i would loose it if i stayed.. i was just having a really bad time and lossing your friendship kinda is just an addition the the pile that i dont want to see i mean in the three times we hung out i could consided our friend ship as good as alex's and mine like idk i just trusted you and i never trust people and it was just really good i think it just happened to quick and thats why i tught i liked you but it wasn't and when i get excited i start to commplement everything.. thats why i was commplenting you and i was having a great weekend and thats why i got excited. not really cuz of you but yea just ccuz it had been such a long time sinc i just had a good time.. im just sorry you want to end it the way you do.. i never thought u wanted to hurt me like that...
but i guess i didn;t know you as well as i though i did..

#1.  Where is the world did he get the idea that i "don't make good friends"?!?!?!?!  i have many good friends, i just don't decide to be best friends with them in one week's time like he does!
#2.  He acts as if everything i was creeped out about happened in one day.  he keeps referring to this one certain day that was particularly bad for him.  In my message i clearly outlined a month and a half worth of "bad days".
#3.  I can't stand reading 30 lines that all equates to one sentence that can be summarized as "waaaaah I'm so creepy! mayb if i ramble for 20 mins she will forget how creepy i am!!"
#4.  I will not reply to his message.  The madness stops here.
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