My cats, and partner had reached their limits on sanity I believe, but were happy yesterday when my LONG, long bought with pretty severe PMS ended. My Dr believes that I'm starting menopause. YIPPEE...............not. Oh don't get me wrong, I'll be glad for most of my indoor plumbing to be shut down as I never needed it, but this emotional upheaval has seriously disrupted my schedule. Not to mention my poor partner and 3 cats. It was so bad that my art project as been moving slowly. I want my art to reflect all parts of my life, but my happy life too. I belive that the best art is not just a reflection of our pain, but what we do to get out of that dark place. Yesterday I was up about 3am, still a bit cranky so when I got back to sleep at 9am I really didn't move until 5:30pm. It felt good, a deep cleansing sleep, and I was a new woman when I woke up. Much to the relief of everyone around me. On the good side because of our change in eating habits I'm not having to deal with the debilitating pain that I've always had. Since I lost my Mom at 12 and I didn't have anyone to talk about this stuff with I pretty much did it alone. Women are much more lucky now, there is the internet with all kinds of knowledge right at your finger tips. Use it people, it'll make your life easier!
SO I've now lost 26 lbs, and even through my PMS where I used to get cravings I didn't. I am assuming my body is getting what it needs from the healthier foods we are eating. I've cut my sugar, fats and caffeine intake by about 65% now. When my insurance kicks in around July I hope to find a new set of Dr's that won't be so quick to put me on more drugs. Then we can work together to get my inner ear damage taken care of. I've been badly misdiagnosed over the past 20 years, with many of my head injuries not being taken care of. Health care isn't the best for most people, but on many reservation it's much worse.
The fun part is I got to chat with Paget Brewster last night on Twitter. I'm not sure just how mans fans were around, but this was one of her last tweets to us.
pagetpage Hotch is here now. Scene takes place in a citywide blackout, finalé, hence abandoned park. Remember when you watch y'all calmed my fears!
about 8 hours ago via