Jun 08, 2010 04:31
Last week I went to a therapy appointment at my Dr's office. It was helpful, and I think once we are out of limbo and settled where ever it is we will be moving I will find someone who can help with some of my obsessive compulsive issues. There I said it out loud, it's not something I thought about very often because there isn't just once overwhelming obsession I have, no I take that back, worry. I worry way too much, but I can forgive myself because when you have lost as much as I have, as my siblings have, and you don't deal with each loss as it happens it will catch up. For me it has, and going through peri-menopause has quadrupled the feelings so much so that I felt out of control. Normal pms was bad enough, but coupled with starting menopause it's been a very hard winter.spring for me. I am planning on getting a hysterectomy when I have insurance again, should be next month. I know under normal circumstances the Dr's just wouldn't give me one without a medical reason, but I think the emotional toil it has taken on me will be good enough. It won't take care of all my problems, but it will allow me some relief from the roller coaster ride it has been so I can take care of one thing at a time. I want to get back to my art, I want to feel inspiration again. Meanwhile I feel pretty good today, and I am going to go with that.
Thankfully J has an interview today and another one tomorrow. She'd like to get tomorrow's job, and as one of two people up for it I think she has got a good chance. Working in a Commercial property company as an admin assistant, and I think as the economy recovers and business get better her pay should improve. Here is to getting out of limbo land!
Oh and out Storm are 8-1, best not just in the west but the whole league *G* Seattle Storm and their fans are hungry for another 'ship, and while there is some talk about this being the year no one wants to look too far ahead. One game at a time, but it sure feels good watching them kick ass and taking no prisoners! GO STORM!!