Nov 19, 2011 22:53
So, I'm officially unemployed.
Was sitting at my desk on Thursday going through some of the police reports when the Acting Inspector called me over for a chat in a very serious voice. Turns out there's an utter crap-load of money being cut from the police budget (seriously, I was gobsmacked when I heard the amount. It's astronomical). This basically means that the last employed is the first to go. All the temps were pretty much told they had to go, myself included. Friday was my last day with them.
I'm beginning to think I'm cursed somehow. Every job in the last year or so that I've enjoyed, I've lost. It'd be nice to be able to keep a job for longer than a month or so.
The good news is that I got a call on Friday during my lunch break from Julia Ross (one of the temping agencies my name is down at) saying they had a full time temp job going at Arts Queensland they wanted to send my name in for. I should hear more about it on Monday, hopefully.