T-minus one day and counting...

Feb 23, 2010 11:43

Until I move into my new (old, but new to me) place. There has good net connection! No more relying on Maccas for my net...for, as the Uni does have free 'net in the library the Uni is, unfortunately, further away than the Maccas *sighs*

Good news, I'm competely enrolled and my fees are paid (Read: Defered. Thank god for HECS. Or FEE-HELP, or whatever the hell the government's calling it these days. Interesting story behind that. There was about 24hrs there where I seriously thought I was going to have to pay $3280 up front... yeek! I don't, but yeek!).

I have my textbook (only one this semester by the looks of it. And a good thing, too. Linguistics textbooks are rather expensive! I got it for a discount. I completely forgot that I was a lifetime member of the Co-Op bookshop. They just had to find me details).

Also, I have my student card. Without the QR symbol on it (as I'm only part time) so I won't be able to get student discounts when travelling, but I have my student card ^___^. It took three hours wandering around in circles but I got it ^__^.

And I possibly have a casual/part-time/not quite sure teaching job at IH Brisbane. The DoS looked like she really wanted to employ me (She kept talking about slotting me into one of the exam classes. Either one of the Cambridge ones or IELTS). I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed but my options opened.

work, uni

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