(no subject)

Jun 05, 2022 16:47

так интересно: пишу рассказ про любовь, вдохновлюясь песней, которая мне очень нравится The Blowers Daughter (Дэмьен Райс), нашла историю ее написания: есть 2 версии. Первая, что это про дочь учителя по кларнету. А вторая ужасно романтичная, хотя Райс никогда и не работал в колл-центре)
1) the song is about the daughter of Rice's clarinet teacher (the "blower").

2) This one gets pretty interesting, and Rice confirms that it is indeed fiction, as he never worked at a call center:
Like many great songwriters, Damien Rice was part of the proletariat before he earned a living in music. Growing up in Kildare County, Ireland, he found himself working at a call center in the late '90s. His job was to cold call households and try to sell them products like insurance and mortgages. As anyone who has engaged a telemarketer in conversation is aware, this is a miserable job and one that requires a bit of mental dissociation. On one of Rice's calls, a woman answered the phone and began such a dialogue.
As Rice told the story when he would introduce the song at concerts, he enjoyed speaking to this lady and became smitten. They spoke for about an hour that day, not about financial products but about their hopes and dreams, developing quite a rapport by the end of the talk. For months, Rice "followed the lead" by calling her during his shifts, where they would continue their increasingly intimate chats.
Then one day she stopped answering. In these days before the proliferation of the internet, tracking down an unrequited love was more complicated than a Google search, but Rice was determined to find this woman. From his call list, he determined the address associated with the phone number, and he hopped a bus to the residence. He hid in the bushes until the woman emerged, and when she did, she was on her way to school - the woman was just a girl, maybe 16 years old.
Crestfallen, Rice realized that when he had called, she was on summer vacation, and she stopped answering when it was time to return to school. She had been using him for entertainment, and Rice was devastated. "The Blower's Daughter" was the song he wrote about the incident.

И что blower- это телефон здесь.
А вот клип на эту песню
Она из саундтрека к фильму Близость - офигенский фильм, там Джуд Лоу, Портман, Робертс, Оуэн - все мои любимчики

творчество, музыка, любовь, песни, красота, кино

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