Trade log
06/09/07 - Received starter pack - rising02, rising16, rising17, badguy05, badguy19, forever05, knockout02, lucky07, ojbn11, paris03, pirahna13, rella16, rush12, sweetlove12, victory17, lalala07, 1 yellow/1red/1pink/1blue candies
From games - [Guess the song] princess03, knockout13, 1 yellow candy; [Guess the PV] rising12, rella08
Freebie - rising06
sakihta rush12 for badguy08
uyukisan knockout02 and knockout13 for rising07 and rising14
07/09/07 - easy puzzle - badguy18, princess01, soultree17
zeehondpunk soultree17 for rising10
Guess PV - rising15, bossanova15; Find Tempo - badguy20, insa12, sweetlove17, victory02, red candy
Freebie - princess 17
yasudashota victory17 for ojbh13
spinspiderspin insa12 for princess09
sunflower_petal rella08 for princess15
08/09/07 - Trade
quaris bossanova15 and lalala07 for ojbh06 ans ojbh12
09/09/07 - From new decks - biya05, chapter15, littlekid17, miracle10, rockstar18, smylove03, walk16
12/09/07 - Trade
sunflower_petal smylove03 for princess02
spinspiderspin rockstar18 & chapterone15 for ojbh01 & miracle04
From "Suju House" - chapterone03
Deck maker rewards - itsraining06,insa06,miracle03,revolution10, biya04, balladeer19, rising18
Freebies - pimp17, firstmate07,deckhand20,captain01, riot07, cabinboy10,drive18, omtok03,omtok08, lovemode06, loverboy04
zeehondpunk lucky07 for ojbh05
quaris littlekid17 for princess19
13/09/07 - Trade
spinspiderspin insa06 for omtok14
quaris loverboy04 for badguy02
From SuJu house - rella03
18/09/07 - Trade
zeehondpunk chapterone03 for omtok01
Trade Satsuki deckhand20 and rella03 for princess05 & 18
oulan miracle03&04&10 for princess07&08 and rising05
hoyah pirahna13 for princess04
zeehondpunk sweetlove12 for badguy03
19/09/07 - Easy puzzle - mstyle07,lucky09,pirahna02
Guess the artist - legend02,treasure03
Freebie - drive06
Guess Song - badguy06,polaris04,red candy
uyuki rella16 for rising01
anestel revolution10 and legend02 for princess06&10
spinspiderspin mstyle07 for badguy11
20/09/07 - From freebies - otp19,proud07,imcoming08,chooseylover03, risingsun05, fan04,fly09, 7lalala14 and a blue candy with dots
jungsoo riot07 for proud18
sakihta cabinboy10 for princess13
zeehondpunk fan04 for proud17
oulan fly09 for rising11
Hard puzzle - revolution13,proud13,riot13,bossanova02,rising13 (there're waaay too many 13 here O__O),passion18, miracle08,booty18,treasure10, 1 pink striped candy, 1 yellow candy
taylormercury chooseylover03 and passion18 for ojbh02 and ojbh14
spinspiderspin imcoming08 for princess12
Trade Mikomi risingsun05 for ojbh09
21/09/07 - Trade anhs510 biya04 for rising03
Trade Nana lucky09 and 7lalala14 for proud19 and risingsun06
25/09/07 - Guess song - pimp06,radio12,red candy
27/09/07 - Easy puzzle - biya12,princess14,victory16
01/10/09 - Easy puzzle - dontdonmv04, perfectman02, bluecandy
Ruined - rising09, treasure02
deck freebies - sjdontdon03, pinupboys05, mature 17
Kibum deck rewards: pimp19,smylove13, mature08,mature09, pink striped candy
freebies - mstyle01,sweety15
02/10/09 - Trade
guilty_amethyst omtok03 for badguy09
oulan miracle08 for dontdonmv11
leciel riot13 and risingsun06 for princess11 and proud01
Big Bang regular slots - dontdonmv15, smylove11
Caption it - biya01, fly06
Hard puzzle - lucky14,revolution14,princess20,gangsta10,risingsun10,pimp11,dontdonmv13,fly13,rush05, 1 yellow and 1 pink stripe candies
Deck freebies dontdonmv05 & boyfriend17
03/10/09 - trade
anestel radio12 and dontdonmv04 for ojbh07&10
sakihta captain01 for homegirl04
04/10/09 - Trade Wendy homegirl04 for dontdon12
sakihtam firstmate07 for pimp08
06/10/09 - Found TOP - mature03, proud12, omtok04, firstmate08, passion14, charisma04, 1 red candy
sakihtam booty18 and firstmate08 for pimp09&forever16
SuJu Full House - homegirl18
morene omtok01 for rising20
yukisan itsraining06, mature03&17 for rising08, pimp01&05
Trade Nana lucky14 for proud11
Trade Anestel polaris04 for pimp02
23/11/09 - 2500 fans - already +100 cards, a member
morene omtok04 for rising19 /+10fans - stamp#1
24/11/09 - Trade
kaori25 sweetlove17 and victory02 for proud06&15 / +10 fans - stamp#2
oulan fly06 for badguy13 / +10 fans - stamp#3
27/11/09 - Trade
anestel dontdomv13 for rising04 / +10 fans - stamp#4
Mastered Rising deck - badguy14,15&17, drive01&09, forever01, heaven15, homegirl01, insa07, littlekid15, 2000 fans
Update freebies (07/11) - heaven09, timeless12, timelesscd02, letsgo09 and melody15
Deck donation rewards (Let's go) - talkplaylove10&19, pimp10, drive17,littlekid01&07, letsgo06
Trade Wendy heaven09 for badguy04 +10fans
Site freebie - insa04
sophya_hell timeless12 for ojbh08 / +10fans - stamp#5
Update freebies (19/11)- simple20, cosmic17, ringleader16, talkplaylove03, promiseu01, dirtycash02, goodbyebaby05, omtokjp02, letsallplay03
Updates (27/10) - victory11, anystar12, mature12, letsallplay02, victory05, cabinboy14, simple18, pimp04, passion14, chooseylover10, homegirl10, pirahnha07
Update Thanksgiving - event cards, 3 blue striped candies, princess16 as choice card
Mastered Princess deck - proud02, ojbh03&04, mind20, perfectman08, rella14, revolution17, riot08, simple19, swashbuckler15, 2000 fans
merelist omtok14, treasure02, treasure03, anystar12 & omtokjp02 for badguy 07,10,12&16 and proud09 / +10 fans- stamp#6
28/11/07 - Hard puzzle - babe20, proud05, heaven18, mstyle19, goodbyebaby01, letsallplay08, passion04, rush14, fly11, 1 yellow candy, 1 pink striped candy
Memory Match - insa20, littlekid20,perfectman13, +50fans, 1 blue speckled candy
iserial cabinboy10 and chooseylover10 for pimp03&13 / +10 fans - stamp#7
29/11/07 - Staff Guess - melody08, lovemode09, haengbok09
Grab Bag - captain03, radio09, talkplaylove15, 1 pink striped candy, 70 fans
30/11/07 - Trade
mystika_d timelesscd02 for proud04 and littlekid03 / +10 fans - stamp#8
me_thr33 goodbyebaby01 and victory11 for littlekid12 and pimp12 / +10 fans - stamp#9
01/12/07 - easy puzzle - smylove14, talkplaylove07, 1 blue candy, 10 fans
mv guess - drive03, omtok13, 1 red candy, 20 fans
big bang slots - victory12, captain18
lyrical laziness - homegilr01, ringleader04, 30 fans
lost in translation - talkplaylove08, fly14, goodbybaby08, 30 fans
ruined cards - simple15, smylove08, 30 fans
memory game - paradox11, littlekid08, bossanova09, 1 blue dotted candy, 50 fans
site freebie - dolphin20
xeunhaex gangsta10 for proud20 / +10fans - stamp#10
03/12/07 - December newsletter - 1 pink striped candy, 2 blue dotted candies
Caption It winner - icarus03, pinupboys20, rockstar05, solver07, victory08, crabdance14, 1 blue striped candy
sophya_hell treasure10 for letsgo12 / +10fans - stamp#11
oulan haengbok09, radio09 and pinupboys05 for pimp16, littlekid04&17 / +10fans - stamp#12
Completed 1st stampcard -
06/12/07 - Epik Low jackpot - balladeer05, fly03, swashbuckler13, u11, 1 red candy
morene pirahna07, babe20 and onemoretimeok13 for dolphin10 and homegirl11&20 / +10 fans - stamp#1
easy puzzle - swashbuckler17,simple11, 1 blue candy, 10fans
mv guess - insa16, player14, 1 red candy, 20 fans
lyrical laziness - dolphin13, soultree18, 30 fans
lost in translation - anystar18, lucky11, u07, 30fans
09/12/07 - Found top - crabdance13, drive10, smylove09, proud16, soul18, itsraining13, 1 red candy
anestel talkplaylove07, promise01 and mature12 for littlekid2,6&13 +10 fans/stamp#2
kaori25 lovemode09 for dolphin17 +10 fans/stamp#3
11/12/07 - Level up rewards (level 1) - membercard vol.02, proud08, babe02, dontdonmv07, letsallplay15, loseyourmind11, timels08, 2 red candies
Level up rewards (level 2) - membercard vol.03, proud10&14, 7lala13, dirtycash05, icarus13, justonenight01, knockout15, ojbh09, treasure07, 2 red candies
sakihtam rush14, pinupboys20. swashbuckler13&17 for proud03, badguy01, simple14 and homegirl16 +10fans / stamp#4
Mastered Proud deck - littlekid11,14&18, anystar06, babe16, crabdabce19, etdragon12, farewell08, gravity17&20, 200 fans
Mastered Badguy deck - littlekid19, pimp07&15, itsraining05, knockout08, loseyourmind08, mstyle04, rella11, riot18, swashbuckler14, 2000 fans
250+ cards - +1500 fans
Site freebie - firstmate06
16/12/07 - Site freebie - homegirl15
Trade Morene anystar18 for ringleader06 - +10 fans/ stamp#5
21/12/07 - Easy puzzle - cabinboy12, swashbuckler13, sonata07, rella18, 1 red candy, 50 fans
Day7 - otp21, forever15, rella20, booty16, boyfriend10, 1 red candy
Lucky card - 1 match - homegirl04
Ruined card - pimp08, soultree08, gangsta09, booty10, insa18, crabdance20, gangsta07, 80 fans
Winter theme deck challenge- lalala07
Trade Ashu riot08, paradox11, smylove11 for homegilr03, pimp02 and simple09 - +10fans / stamp#6
22/12/07 - Site freebies - timels14, fan10, dontdonmv06, tradition09,
Day12: charisma09, treasure18
Day11: tradition03, ringleader10
Day10: player08, simple06, farewell03, 1 red candy
Day8: sonata15, 7lalala10, sjdontd06, 1 red candy
Day9: rella12, dolphin19 , fly10, 1 red candy
Memory Match - princess02, livewire17, crabdance14, 7lalala01, dolphin11, timels, 1 pink striped candy, 1 blue dotted candy
Find Millions - solver05, ringleader15, legend16, bossanova06, etdragon07, gansgta04, 1 red candy
Hard puzzle - otp07, firstmate13, bossanova17, deckhand08, itsraining13, ringleader05, pimp10, treasure16, omtok11, 1 pink striped candy, 1 yellow candy
Easy puzzle - rella14, sonata12, fly08, mstyle20, crabdance19, heaven08, sonata16, swashbuckler15, 2 red candies, 100 fans
Artist Guess - solver08, justonenight10, firstmate02, timels15, boyfriend13, mind02, farewell02, mature11, 100 fans
Lyrical Laziness - swashbuckler20, sonata14, simple08, legend03, booty15, fly11, itsraining15, dolphin01, 100 fans
Lost in translation - letsallplay04, deckhand13, babe17, player04, ringleader02, walk17, proud07, mstyle17, 100 fans
Ruined card - melody04, insa17, princess12, rella19, livewire15, balladeer17, gangsta20, firstmate14, forever01, rella12, soultree07, forever14, mstyle18, gravity13, 160 fans
holidays freebie - ringleader09
23/12/07 - Trade Ako itsraining05&13 and 7lalala01 for drive13, ringleader12 and simple07 +10 fans / stamp#7
Trade Oulan livewire13,14&17 and passion14 for drive05,15&19 and homegirl02 +10 fans / stamp#8
29/12/07 - SuJu house challenge - soul11, treasure19
Staff Guess - pirahna01
Trade Wendy cosmic17, talkplaylove03,08,15&19 for dolphin12, simple13, pimp18, ringleader13&18 +10fans / stamp#9
Trade Chiune rush05 for homegirl19 +10fans / stamp#10
Trade Mirraya booty10 for littlekid16 +10fans/ stamp#11
Update (15/12) - game pass 1TYM
Day6 - solver16, anystar06, lalala13, talkplaylove19, timelesscd09, otp23, 1 red candy
Trade Uyuki rella14, mature08&09, and smylove09 for your ojbh15, homegirl08, littlekid05 and simple05 +10fans/ stamp#12
Mastered OJBH -
Completed 2nd stampcard
Trade Akari knockout08 and fly03,10,11&14 for dolphin12, homegirl02&13, pimp14 and simple03 +10fans/ stamp#1
Christmas update: choice cards: littlekid09&10,pimp20,drive07&16; randomizer: chooseylover15, lucky13, spider13, radio07, badguy03, dontdonmv06; event_christmas
Mastered Littlekid -
Mastered Pimp -
(399 cards) - passed 350 - +1750 fans
Day4: winter13, timelesscd05, 1 red candy, 1 games pass 1TYM
Day6: walk17, deckhand05, dolphin18, knochout12, winter05, otp18, sjdontd02, timelesscd01, 1 red candy
Day5: winter12, winter08, timelesscd07, sjdontd10, 1 red candy
30/12/07 - Trade Oulan soultree08 for homegirl06 +10fans / stamp#2
Trade Ako deckhand13 for ringleader17 +10fans/ stamp#3
Trade mystika_d timels08 and booty16 for drive11 and homegirl05 +10 fans/ stamp#4
05/01/08 - Mastery rewards (littlekid,pimp&ojbh) - 7lalala04, badguy12, boyfriend09, chooseylover03, deckhand05, etdragon03, firstmate08, heaven05, homegirl09&12, justonenight15, legend01, melody03, pinupboys14, pirahna11, risingsun10, rush13, rish15, rush19, simple01,02,04,12,16&17, soul10, swashbuckler12, +5500 fans
Level up rewards (level 4) - captain07, cosmic03, dolphin09, forever20, generation04, homegirl14, homegirl17, lalala05, omtokjp03, princess19, radio10, rising16, tradition16, 3 red candies, 2 blue dotted candies
06/01/08 - Trade Peekay insa07&16, livewire17 and walk17 for simple10, homegirl07, drive08, ringleader08 +10fans/ stamp#5
Mastered Simple -
Mastered Homegirl -
11/01/08 - Trade Chiuni rush13,15&19 for drive02, ringleader20 and dontdonmv02 +10fans / stamp#6
Trade Ai mind02&20 for your ringleader08 and dontdonmv01 +10fans/stamp#7
Swap center - livewire15&crabdance14 for simple10&chooseylover12
Trade Uyuki mature11 and timels09 for drive04&20 +10fans/stamp#8
Pick an Idol - 20fans, 1 red candy, 1 choice card (ringleader11)