Dec 15, 2006 01:59
I'm sitting at home by myself and I feel lonely. I think its very strange because I have only been by myself for about an hour. Do most people feel lonely this easily? or may be I have some loneliness disorder. I live in a big city where something is always going on, but yet I still feel like I don't live close enough to it. Upper East side is still a cab ride away from East village which of course is the center of the world :) As one of my thesis committee advisers cleverly pointed out (while we were discussing the origin of a coordinate system) that he has no reason to doubt that zero'th street (that would be Houston) and zero'th avenue in Manhattan is the center of the world.
Ny chto podelaesh pridetsia smotret Bolzakovski Vozrast, tak kak Sex in the City vrode vse episodes yzhe prosmotrela :)