Aug 20, 2006 16:53
When I was a Senior in at Columbia, I took a really difficult 5 credit lab course in Biochemistry. At end of second semester we were supposed to write a 40 page lab report about our projects. I remember the feeling I had when I was handing in this lab report, for which I pulled numerous all nighters, this is the end of all suffering:). As I gave the report to my Professor I said something like "I can't believe its over!". Then he replied, "Why are you so happy, its never over, you're going to grad school right?" Togda ya podymola, dyrachok professor, ne mozhet poniat schastya stydenta kotori yzhe 3 nedeli podriat spal tol'ko za stolom pered komputerom. But now 5 years later I think I know what he was talking about. Ya dymala chto eto bil konets, no eto bilo tolko nachalo.