Dec 10, 2006 11:24
"Comatose"! The manga me and two other of my friends are making. ;D
Nina made the plot and she's basically designing half of the characters while I design my half. Then Kristin will probably... do something. I don't know.
But anyways, it's finally getting up and running.
Well, the plot is basically this:
It starts out as a normal day at school, except there's this field trip to the museum. While exploring the medieval section the main character (Nina) suddenly falls into a coma for some reason and enters this... world thingy.
All her friends are there but they're different-ish. They don't know her and they're like.... assassins, nobles, knights, bandits, mages, wizards, vampires, pirates, etc etc etc. Eventually, whatever the hells happens, the main character eventually joins up with them since they said they'd help her get back to her world.
But BADDIES are afoot! xD They want to... well, we don't know. It hasn't been decided yet. Dx But they're all kinda based off of some kind of disease (nothing fatal that we know of) such as flu, cold, fever. xD Why? Cause we feel like it. Since we have a crapload of Protagonists we need some of them to die SOMEHOW, you know? xDDD Who says heroes have to live?
So yeah that's all basically. Just a sorta typical adventure story with a lot of weirdness in it. xD
The characters that I have to create:
[x]=Done [ ]=not Done
My MAIN charry that's supposed to be based offa moi:
[x] ~ Michaellous Maro ('Michaellous' since I was nicknamed 'Michael' last year and 'Maro' since my nick name is 'Mashimaro' without the 'Maro'. Lame I know.)
Age: Mid-teens
Gender: MALE... but wants to be female (xD Why? Cause for a time I wanted to be a guy)
Occupation: Doctor/Surgeon
Sub-Class: 'Mad Hatter' Magician. Not MAGE. MAGICIAN. ;D
Role: Dude. "Comatose"+Doctor=Important. xD
Specializes In: Healing, but nothing like White Mages. ^^;; Can be in front or behind battle, depending where he is needed.
~Has a lover but no one knows who it is and what gender they are. xD
~Parents unknown
~Related to 'LJ Talon'.
Weapon: His surgeon tools and his Magician tricks. ;D What all his tricks are, no one knows.
A little bit about him:
Poor beyond all reason he tries to gain money by doing house visits to those who need a doctor. But even then, he usually only asks for what they can afford which is often not much or he often does it for free. However, people sometimes think he's completely insane so people tend to regard him as a psycho maniac out to eat their babies and bring an evil plague to their village.... and poison their crop.
On the side, he also does 'small' magic tricks for crowds in an attempt to gain money. These tricks seem 'easy' or 'fake' but they are in fact real and he holds much higher power for these tricks. He can't however, do things that Mages can. He can do disappearing 'acts', pull stuff out of his top hat, illusions, 'summoning' tricks, 'card tricks', and 'light tricks'.
Personality: He's actually pretty smart, but he just doesn't like to do work. He's lazy most of the time, but when it's really important or if he feels like it, he will let his uber smart-ness shine. Will also often protect others when needed, often asks "Do you need help?", often refuses people to help him, and can be quite emo sometimes. Though he may be crazy and... crazy, but whenever it's calls for it, he'll be totally mature. :O
But if you piss him off enough he'll go Godzilla on you. He can be heartless and temperamental to the extreme too. Dx
Loves: Tea, sweets, sleeping, not doing too much work.
Likes: A good offbeat adventure to keep him busy. ;D
Dislikes: Ants, bees, runaway trains, clowns, heavy work.
Hates: Being called 'stupid', being beaten up, being told he can't do something.
This charry is based offa Nai Saechao (Maiyuka)! xD
[In Proccess] ~ Ian Vinny Sae-mien
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Occupation: Lawyer
Sub-Class: Pirate/Ninja
Role: The elusive Pirate slash Ninja Lawyer...! But... she's a prosecutor. Dx She'll get you a guilty verdict, dude. Or kill you. Whatever comes first.
Weapon: A cutlus and Chinese throwing stars. ;D
A little bit about her:
This charry is based offa Drian. xP
[ ] ~ Drian Lendalf
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Paladin
Sub-Class: ---
A little bit about her/him:
I guess my bro will be in here eventually. But like most of the protagonists, he might leave the group for some reason... or die.... *shifty glance* It all depends on how the events will go.
[ ] ~ ???
Code Name (I refused to let this be his actual name!): LJ Talon (Why? I don't know. My bro requested it. o_O;;;)
Age: 22
Gender: FEmale (why? Cause he always chooses to be a girl in a video game while I always choose to be a guy.)
Occupation: 'Dark Knight'
Sub-Class: Gamer and Reviewer
Role: Undecided. xD
~Related to Maro
A little bit about her/him:
Hmm, Tyler will end up showing up in this, I just know it. xD ((Most of this stuff he did himself.))
[ ] ~ Tykun
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sub-Class: Street Fightaaa (Beserker)!
A little bit about her/him:A little bit about her/him:His mother died in birth, he traveled with his father for a very long time, they were thieves and looters, they needed to live somehow, His brother also travled with him, soon after his fathers death, him and his Brother, (name not disclosed) hit the jack pot, they found the "Unkown Warriors Treasure" they got in a test of strength with eachother, and the Winner would get the sword, they didnt know they were'nt alone, His brother was killed from behind by some weak coward, his last words were "Take the sword, avenge me and for mother..." He was filled with rage, He took the sword, and tore the assailant to shreds...people say his borther and father are infused into this very sword. ((This kind of reminds me of a sort of mix of what Hamlet's father said to Hamlet and how the death scene with Mercutio and Tybalt played out.... xD))
Personality: Can be sarcastic and quick minded, but can be really nice.
Loves:Girls, joking, swords, girls, ALCOHOL! WOOT, science, beating shit up.
Likes: Chasing things, meaningless sidequests, Random battles, final fantasy parodies *Random chocobo,mog,tonberry,cactuar, or mention of Gil*,being chased by fangirls
Dislikes:Rancid Smells, assholes, people who try to walk on him, people who bitch and whine.
Hates:When people talk smack, lies, stale bread, bugs
I shall finnish this later. xD
If you know me and would like to be in the manga, just ask. If I accept j00 you may like.... make request certain stuff in your profile, cause I need to tweak stuff to be able to add you in it. ((Edit 12/14: And please remember that not everyone can be a kick ass butt pwning sexy bishi. Dx))
And YOU mah brotha! I give you special permission from MOI, DA SISTA, to edit whatever the hell you like on your character. xD Okay? OKAY! AWESOME.;D
=====EDIT 12/11=====
If you never talked to me before but I find you interesting, you might end up in the manga. Why? xD Cause. I get bored often and I find myself looking at my bro's friend list. xD So if you know him, there's a chance you might apear as a cameo, briefly, or play some kind of role in some random side plot OR the main plot. ;D I am that awesome. *skips away*