Oct 12, 2006 18:58
WELL, I haven't posted much of anything about school for a long fricking time. So I shall only mention the MAIN things. The MAJOR things. Let's see if I remember...
Well, I was offered a scholarship. That's right. A scholarship at 13. I think up to 10 thou or was it for just 1 thou? Either way, it's better than nothing. It's me and a little bit of other people from this school, along with other people from other school. But what's the catch? It's like a random draw or something. Dunno. I might end up just getting like what? 100 bucks? =.= Great... I really hope to get a decent amount so I can just get through college a bit. OR save that for UNIVERSITY, MANNNN!! OwO;; GAWD, that's going to be SOOOO expensive. =.=;;
What else... uhh... HOMEWORK. OH GOD DAMNS!! I've never had so much homework in just a span of a couple of weeks before! ESSAY AFTER ESSAY! PROJECT AFTER PROJECT! PAGES AFTER PAGES!!! And JUST when I thought it was over, a MAJOR ASS PROJECT FLIES AND SMACKS ME ACROSS THE HEAD! BOOOOOM!
What else... oh I got my authoring dreams temporaraly crushed. -_-; *sigh* So from now and untill I feel better, my essays and stories will suck major bootay.
Uhhh... Well, hm. That's all I can think of... Well, I DO have like 2 major projects and 2 so-so projects that are like due next week... GREAT... and one of them is due on MONDAY. GRREEAAAATTTTT.... -_-;;
I'm going to end up failing all my classes in like what? In a span of 1 week? Damn. T_T
-Au revior