Click for large size. Temporary live preview at
Layout and 4 colour schemes inspired by Persona 3. More info and previews under the cut.
green preview |
blue preview |
white preview Info:
- Compatible with basic, plus (vertical ads), I haven't tested it in paid, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
- Tested in Safari and Firefox.
- Custom user, community, and security icons.
- Styled contextual popup, custom comment pages, and navstrip (although I think it still looks kind of ugly)
Burn My DreadTouch the Sky/* ------------------------------
S2 STYLE: Flexible Squares
please credit, do not redistribute
------------------------------ */
body {
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/* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
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/* ---------- ARCHIVE + TAGS PAGES ---------- */
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text-transform: uppercase;
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.subject img[src=""]{
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height: 0;
padding: 16px 0px 0 16px;
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}/* ------------------------------
STYLESHEET: Touch the Sky
S2 STYLE: Flexible Squares
please credit, do not redistribute
------------------------------ */
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/* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
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/* ---------- COMMENT PAGE ---------- */
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.commentboxpartial {
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/* ---------- ARCHIVE + TAGS PAGES ---------- */
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list-style-image: url('');
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}On a Sunday MorningDeep Breath/* ------------------------------
STYLESHEET: On a Sunday Morning
S2 STYLE: Flexible Squares
please credit, do not redistribute
------------------------------ */
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/* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
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/* ---------- ARCHIVE + TAGS PAGES ---------- */
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text-transform: uppercase;
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margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
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font-size: 1.2em;
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ul.ljtaglist li {
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/* ---------- FOOTER ---------- */
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padding: 6px;
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div.ContextualPopup .Relation {
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text-transform: uppercase;
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div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a, div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a:link, div.ContextualPopup div.Inner a:visited {
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div.ContextualPopup .OnlineStatus {
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/* ---------- CUSTOM ICONS ---------- */
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}/* ------------------------------
S2 STYLE: Flexible Squares
please credit, do not redistribute
------------------------------ */
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/* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
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/* ---------- COMMENT PAGE ---------- */
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/* ---------- ARCHIVE + TAGS PAGES ---------- */
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font-size: 2em;
font-style: italic;
text-align: left;
text-transform: uppercase;
border-bottom: 3px double #a0a0a0;
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td.yearmonth {
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font-size: 14px;
font-style: italic;
text-transform: lowercase;
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/* ---------- FOOTER ---------- */
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/* ---------- POPUP + NAVSTRIP ---------- */
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/* ---------- CUSTOM ICONS ---------- */
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list-style-image: url('YOUR_URL/bullet.png');
list-style-type: square;
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padding: 13px 0px 0 12px;
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background-repeat: no-repeat;
background: url('YOUR_URL/comm.png');
padding: 13px 0px 0 12px;
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background: url('YOUR_URL/private.png');
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Image zip files (right-click save):
Burn My Dread |
Touch the Sky |
On a Sunday Morning |
Deep Breath Please save and upload the images to your own server, then replace YOUR_URL with, well, your own url. All the custom images are at the very bottom.
- Go to Journal Style and make sure you're using the S2 style.
- Apply the Flexible Squares layout. If you're using a plus account, choose Vertical Ad Placement.
- Click on Customize Options, then Custom CSS. Check No for both drop-down boxes and paste the CSS into the box. Save, and you're done!
I'm not that great with CSS so if anything's broken, please tell me and I'll try and fix it. Feel free to change the colours or swap icons, stuff like that, but please remember to leave the credit in.
layout-making resources and credits |
graphic-making resources