I'm a lazy cosplayer. I like things with not a lot of sewing involved, but I don't mind doing props. I don't want to wear a wig because I'm cheap and it would probably end up looking better if I didn't have the wig.
So my list (in no particular order) is:
-Callo Merlose
-Atlantis medical staff
and possibly, if people are still up for it, an FF3 DS job class group and new outfits for the taiko drums.
But after seeing
this guy I really want to do Doctor Who cosplay. I'd love to cosplay Martha or Donna except there's wig thing, and I don't think I would make a good Martha. I know skin colour shouldn't really make a difference when you're cosplaying (I mean, I don't take body type or gender into account), but I can't help thinking that it would be weird. I guess I could go as Toshiko, but... eh I'm not really a fan of her style of clothes.
And AE is a very Asian con, so I don't think any DW/TW characters would get any attention, especially without a Doctor or Jack. So, IDK.
momentmusical are you going to AE next year? Are you cosplaying?
momogiri any ideas on taiko costumes?
jenzay is our group thing still on?