Foreign music

Sep 13, 2009 23:59

Ok, I have to admit that Jay Chou's Fearless has really grown on me. I blame you, jenzay! I can't believe the falsetto part is ACTUALLY HIM. O.O

But me being one of those people who pretty much has to sing along (or at least hum) to every song I listen to, I decided to look up the lyrics. And I'm glad that there aren't any Taiwanese people around because I'm sure they would've had their ears destroyed by my horrible pronunciation.

I re-found Atari Kousuke from an old back-up CD. Hana is probably my favourite song of his. At the moment anyway. It's weird, his style of music is not what I usually listen to, but he has a really interesting voice. Kind of like Ikue Asazaki's voice. Their songs seem to have a lot of feeling in them, and I like it.

Oh, and Challenge 009 of suikoicontest is finally up. I have been so bad at managing that comm.


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