
Jul 24, 2009 12:34

This would be me if I didn't have my laptop:

Getting back to my anime roots apparently.

Fortunately, I do have it so I can get caught up on my flist and comments and art.

Still not done my mcshep_match entry. Getting a little worried.

Planning on taking a roadtrip down the US west coast later this summer. Anyone have recommendations on things to do/places to see/things to eat?

I used this google map to find some of the places from Food Network's show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. That show never fails to make me hungry. I looked up the places from Alton Brown's Feasting on Asphalt too, but most of the places he goes too seem to be kind of out-of-the-way :(

art, character: rodney mckay, food, fandom: stargate atlantis

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