(no subject)

Mar 15, 2009 15:44

It's a nice warm 10 degrees out and I really hope it stays that way for a while.

I was going to contribute a recipe to codenamebacon because with all the Canadiana in SGA, poutine is such an obvious choice :) But then my gravy didn't turn out dark enough (I'm always worried about burning the roux) and I sort of lost track of measurements.

I went to see Watchmen yesterday.

I think Zack Snyder did an amazing adaptation of the comic, but he didn't make a great movie. It wasn't bad IMO but it definitely fell flat.The best part of the movie was Jackie Earle Haley. He was amazing, exactly how I though Rorschach would be. Patrick Wilson, Carla Cugino, JDM, and Matthew Goode were were good too. Unfortunately I thought that a lot of the dialogue between Doc Manhattan and Laurie seemed forced and bland. I expected Doctor Manhattan to be much more intimidating.

WTF was up with Doc Manhattan's speedo? That thing was ugly. Besides, does he even need a body? Couldn't he make his visible form into pretty much anything?

Look what jenzay got for me!

So cute XD

So now SPN fans are getting into Leverage and SGA fans are getting into BBC's Merlin. I've already started getting into Merlin, but anyone want to clue me in on Leverage beyond what's on wikipedia/imdb?

Suikoden Teirkreis is coming out in two days \o/ I really hate that word "Teirkreis". It never looks spelt right.


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