
Feb 23, 2009 22:12

I've been dreaming up a lot of musicals lately. Last night it was me meeting Jensen and Jared at a con somewhere, which was awesome. It felt really real because a) they were really hot and b) I kind of spazzed when I saw them. But then came the song and dance number, which included the line:

Your dick will never be lonely when you're as good-looking as me


I could not make this stuff up if i TRIED.

Can't wait to see Watchmen. I'll admit I only paid attention to it in the beginning because of JDM, but then a friend got me the graphic novel for Christmas, and yeah, I'm pretty excited for it now *g*

I've decided I'm going to watch Twilight, but ONLY FOR THE LULZ. I mean, sparkling vampire baseball? I think I NEED to see how cheese0tastic this movie really is. Should make for good sporking ;)

Also, momogiri and I saw Coraline a couple days ago. I don't know if it was the 3d-ness of it (which was a lot better than I expected it to be) or if we were just really hyper that night, but it was SO MUCH FUN. It did slow down at the end, but the tension build-up at the beginning was really good. The button eyes *shudder*.

pairing: jared/jensen, movie, dreams

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