Megaten online

Nov 22, 2008 19:26

The problem with using a Mac is that some programs are Windows-only. Case in point: Megami Tensei Online. The program I'm using to run Windows apps on my Mac doesn't seem to able to handle the Japanese text so I can't make heads or tails of the install. I keep getting an error but I have no idea what it's saying. At least if it was in Japanese I could copy-paste into babelfish or take a screenshot and ask people on gamefaqs. Now I just get a bunch of random symbols. I did sign up for the english beta though. No idea if I'm going to get picked but it should be fun. Signup's still open if anyone's interested. *nudge*

Downloading DMC4 on PC. Hopefully the compressed version works ok, otherwise it'll probably take me another week to dl the full 7GB version. The controls are probably going to be horrible on the laptop, but I suck at the game on PS2 anyways :P

Finale 2009 seems a little weird. I have to get used to the interface all over again. *grumbles* After all the time I spent trying to open keygen.exe it turns out it doesn't work. It gives me a 10-digit serial when I need 8!! So hopefully someone will put them in the next update of serialbox before my trial period runs out.

I wrote meta. SGA meta. I can't believe I wrote meta. *headdesk*

fandom: devil may cry, video games, technology pwns me, fandom: megaten

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