Fanart: Affliction (SPN, gen)

Nov 07, 2014 12:00

Title: Affliction
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam, Dean, gen
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: Made as part of the samdean_otp 2014 minibang to accompany the fic by tolakasa! It has SUCH great hurt!Sam and protective big brother Dean! One piece of art is kind of spoilery for a scene... I think it's not as impactful without the context of the story, so go read it first!



Notes: I tried to keep this very Sam-centric, to match the fic. And with the scene illustration, I attempted to do a new perspective, but not 100% happy with how it turned out *goes off to practice*

Credits: Textures by exposed and lookslikerain.

comments = ♥ | archiving/re-uploading | editing | reblog on tumblr?

character: dean winchester, art: fic illustration, art: digital painting, character: sam winchester, art: banner, art: icons, fandom: supernatural, challenge: sam/dean minibang, !art

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