I don't know if it's just my mindset at the moment (procrastinating LOL) or what, but I've been browsing tumblr and finding some Flash and Rogues blogs that make me want to start using tumblr and interact with the fandom, because I'm finding a sad lack of DC Comics fandom people on LJ to talk to. So, I may be dusting off my tumblr and clean out my following list. If I unfollow you on tumblr, it's not personal, just that I am mainly going to be using the tumblr app on my phone and won't be able to block stuff if you post a lot and/or don't tag.
Cut for more Flash comics talk and disappointment at the lack of Len/Mick shipping.
I've only been able to find a grand total of TWO Len/Mick fics, which makes me sad (although there is a bit more fanart, so yay for that). Now, I'm still making my way through Barry Allen Flash V1, and in it, they're both total womanizers, but since when did that stop slashers? I mean, they have their own team name, "The Temperature Twins", they have opposite elemental powers, and have a kind of frenemy relationship. Where is all the slash?
And I was thinking earlier today about whether or not I'd still be so into the Rogues if Wentworth and Dominic hadn't been cast; and I think the answer would be yes. I've also been watching the Flash-heavy episodes of Justive League Unlimited, Batman: Brave and the Bold, and started Young Justice, and know some more backstory about the Rogues, and I think they're such an interesting group. I'm such a sucker for the "found family" trope (which might be trumped only by my love of brotherly incest... which... when you put them next to each other, doesn't really make sense. But WHATEVER, IDK how my brain works).
When I started reading the comics, I'd made a reading list which was basically the start of Geoff John's run to the present, plus any Captain Cold or Heat Wave-centric issues from before that. But a lot of those issues are also Rogues-as-a-group issues, and now I've expanded my reading list to just about EVERYTHING I CAN GET MY HANDS ON.
I've just finished "Crisis On Infinite Earths" (which I didn't love, but OMG Barry's "death" scene DDDDD: ), so I'm going to be moving forwards from there, and jumping back to older V1 and 2 occasionally. I find that the older issues are usually one-shots, so they're good for reading on the bus. I find a lot of the older stuff to be... dated in a bad way, but it also makes for some (unintentionally?) hilarious moments. I might start live-blogging them on tumblr.
I don't think I'll be getting into The Flash/Arrow TV-verse fandom on tumblr though, because Arrow fandom looks pretty bad from the fringes, and I'm seeing hints of Flash fandom going that direction too. I mean, the shipwank! I've already seen fights between Barry/Iris, Barry/Caitlin, and Barry/Felicity shippers, and it's been three episodes. And Olicity fans are the Destiel fans of Arrow fandom.
Tumblr is also a good place for posting edits, which I've felt like doing lately because goddamn Kingdom is a really nicely-shot show. Also lots of shirtless dudes, which is a plus.
I've been struck with sudden SGA nostalgia because I realized that
Frank Grillo with his hair down reminds me of John Sheppard, and there's also
this lovely John/Ronon fanart by
I'm dropping How To Get Away With Murder because, as much as I want to like the show, all the students are just getting on my nerves. I'd just be watching because I want to see them fail and snap, so I don't think it's worth my time.