RL and Prison Break Related Things

Sep 01, 2014 13:12

The first week of a new semester is always hectic, but even more so this semester because this is the last time that the whole level is going to see each other until... graduation probably. So last week was full of social things, some I wanted to go to, others that I didn't really want to go to but felt obligated to go to anyways. There were also cons last weekend, and they were fun, but HOMG IDK how I used to be able to do a 3 day con weekend, from morning to night and not be completely drained at the end of it. Now I do two half-days at a con, and I'm exhausted!

I didn't cosplay at all this year, which was a little sad, but my friends and I weren't able to get anything ready in time. I was thinking about what "dream" costume I'd like to cosplay if I could, and it would probably be Devil May Cry 3 Dante. But then I looked up how to sew fake leather, and just... nope. Definitely not gonna happen any time soon >.<

In PB-related news:
1. I didn't realize that the 9th anniversary of the PB pilot airing was August 29th. There was some nice stuff going around tumblr and I missed it :9

2. On the plus side, scofields on tumblr is thinking of starting a PB appreciation week! If you have a tumblr, you should like/reblog the post to show interest! I'm thinking we could also run something concurrently on LJ too if it gets off the ground!

3. Wentworth Miller is active on Facebook. Not verified or anything, but pretty sure it's really him because of the pic of Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold's trailer, as well as his pics from Vancouver. So far it's been pretty standard for a celeb social media account, with me alternatively squeeing and side-eyeing. The Vancouver pics are definitely a plus for me, because I like seeing/hearing about people enjoying my city, celeb or not (side note: apparently Sarah Wayne Callies lives on the island?! And Robert Knepper seems to go to Tofino quite a lot). And he posted a pic of The Bucket Hats. I can't tell if he's trying to be funny or what but I just... *DIES*

4. Wentworth also did some gorgeous photos for August Man Malaysia, and there's a little video thing as well. Although, boo for too much retouching/photoshop. My favourite? Probably this one with the glasses.

5. Word of God (AKA, DVD commentary) says that Christina was lying about Lincoln being adopted. This is Word of God and not canon, so it could just be in reaction to fan disappointment, or the writer's personal views. But it's nice to have it be somewhat confirmed, I guess.

6. According to Wikipedia, Paul Adelstein originally auditioned for the role of Lincoln?! I just cannot picture that! I think Prison Break really got it perfect with the casting, at least for S1 and 2, that it's impossible for me to imagine other people in the roles.

7. An interview with Bill on Crossing Lines where he refers to Kim as "Coatsy" and calls him his BFF <3333

Bill also mentions that he suggested Kim for the roles of Sullins in PB and Genovese in Crossing Lines. I'd be side-eyeing this more if Kim wasn't such a good actor and also perfect for those roles. Now I'm really hoping their film gets off the ground, because it'd be interesting to see what sort of roles they would create for themselves/each other.

8. I found an old interview with Matt Olmstead (exec producer for PB), where he says that the idea for Michael to die at the end came from Wentworth during S2. Which, yay for Wentworth, because I also had a lot of issues with Michael's guilt and by the end of S4, it was probably best to end it the way they did. I've also read interviews with Sarah and Bill where they mentioned the writers being open to suggestions and things, although I can't remember the links. I do remember Bill said something like, he believes that actors on a TV show are the ones who know the characters best, and I definitely agree (at least, in cases where the actor actually cares). It's good to know that the PB writers were open to the actors's input. I have to say I'm kind of suprised, because PB in its heyday was such a big deal, whereas SPN, which is huge for the CW but still not that big for TV in general seems to... not care about what the actors think at all? I don't know that we've even heard of Jared or Jensen making any changes to lines until... S7 or 8??

9. I was looking for PB related pics and found surprise!Kripke! I think this is from Sarah's show Tarzan, which sounds TERRIBLE HOMG. I will say: thank goodness that show didn't last and Kripke went on to make SPN <333

10. I've been experimenting with screencapping again and found good source vids, so I'll be working on uploading HQ PB screencaps! :DDDDD

actor: william fichtner, rl, actor: wentworth miller, actor: kim coates, fandom: prison break, convention, actor: sarah wayne callies

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