Pimping and fall TV

Nov 18, 2013 20:35

I had a blast with this challenge last year. It's super-low stress and some of the gifts last year weren't even for fannish things, but asked for personal anecdotes, or recipes, and general holiday things that gave me warm fuzzies all over <3

Non-spoilery, general thoughts on Almost Human, Arrow, and Once Wonderland under the cut.
Almost Human was good, but for some reason it didn't blow me away the way that it seemed to have blown away most other people? I thought the pilot was pretty clunky and too heavy on the exposition, even compared to other pilots. But it was entertaining and I think the show has a lot of potential, so I'll keep it on my "to-watch" list.

Arrow is FREAKING AMAZING this season. I'll admit there were times in S1 where I got pretty bored with the show, but I'm SO glad that I decided to give it another go with S2, because it is honestly becoming one of the highlights of my week. I'm not usually one for ensemble casts, because I find myself latching on to a few characters, but I really love the dynamic in Arrow. There's so many different relationships, but it doesn't feel messy or hard to follow. And so many wonderful female characters <3333

Once Wonderland. Ugggghhhh. Not that I had very high hopes for this show (I really just wanted an excuse to watch Michael Socha's face LOL), but it is bad. Even the diehard Oncers I know seem to agree. And the CGI is laughable. I couldn't even sit through one episode >.<

challenge: insmallpackages, fandom: almost human, fandom: arrow, !pimping

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