Spreading the love

May 31, 2013 22:03

So I'm posting a lot today, apparently. But I feel that this needed to be shared.

Stolen from cherie_morte:
THIS IS ME ACKNOWLEDGING I AM PART OF THE PROBLEM AND FLYING OFF INTO THE CLOUDS TO FIX IT. Join me in blatantly stealing this idea right from deirdre_c:

Everyone. Even you. Pick ONE story (or podfic or piece of art) from out of your bookmarks or a recent newsletter or rec list or wherever and read it (or listen or view it, etc etc etc) and THEN LEAVE A COMMENT. Tell the author (or podficcer or artist) something you liked about it, pick out a particular phrase that was well done, a bit of dialog that struck you, how someone was characterized or drawn that seemed unique or interesting or wacky. Anything! Just do it right now!

Then, once you do that, (if you want) you can encourage the commenting streak to spread like wildfire among your own flist.

Help me make today a day of comments overflowing!! It only will work if you all chip in! Let's do this!


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