TV show meme

Oct 05, 2011 14:09

Stolen from berlinghoff79

1. Doctor Who
2. Supernatural
3. Stargate Atlantis
4. Being Human (UK)
5. Misfits

Some spoilers under the cut.

Who is your favorite character in #5?
This is actually pretty hard, since everyone is so flawed. But I'll have to say Nathan. He's such an ass, but somehow the show can make me not hate him, while still acknowledging the fact that he's an ass. And he is the glue that holds the group together. It'll be weird to see the show without him.

Who is your least favorite character of #4?
Mitchell. Don't get me wrong - I though his storyline and his character development was really well-done, but I got really pissed off at him near the end. I was sad to see him die because of how sad it made everyone else, but I was glad that he died.

What’s your favorite episode of #2?
So hard to pick! Episodes like IMTOD and Devil's Trap have such emotional impact, but I'm gonna go with "Mystery Spot". I will never get tired of that.

What is your favorite season of #1?
Season 5. It's so much fun!

What’s your favorite relationship in #3?
John and Rodney <3

Who is your anti-relationship in #4?
I... don't really have one? I don't really ship anyone either, though I am pretty happy with the canon ships. I really like the friendships in that show.

How long have you watched #1?
I don't remember. It was like, 3 years or so ago. I think I started Torchwood first, then I decided I wanted to see Who. I marathoned it over Christmas break, I think.

How did you become interested in #3?
Some really amaaaaazing fanartists, who I followed because of their SPN stuff.

Who is your favorite actor in #5?
In terms of acting/personality? None really stand out. In terms of looks? Nathan Stewart-Jarrett.

Which show do you prefer out of #1, #2 or #3?
OH GOD, SO HARD. UM. It varies, but right now I'm on a major SPN kick, so I'll say SPN.

Which show have you seen more episodes of? #1 or #3?
I've seen all episodes of both, but SGA has more episodes.

If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be?
Annie! She's adorable. Also, I could definitely deal with being a ghost better than being a werewolf or a vampire.

Give a random quote from #5.
I would quote Nathan's speech, but I don't remember it. I do, however, remember "monkeyslut".

Would #3/#4 crossover work?
I... don't think so O_o

Over all, which fandom has a better cast, #3 or #5?
Sorry SGA, but I'll have to pick Misfits. I think it's a much better-balanced cast that SGA.

Which has better theme music, #2 or #4?
LOL neither of them have an opening theme. But SPN has 'Carry on Wayward Son' as an iconic theme, so I'll pick that.

fandom: being human, fandom: supernatural, fandom: doctor who, fandom: misfits, fandom: stargate atlantis, meme

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