Movie synopsis meme and other things

Jun 26, 2011 21:38

So you know about fandomsecrets right? Like postsecret, but for fandom-related things? Well I made a tumblr for Stargate secrets. Anything related to the franchise is welcome (which includes the original movie, all the series, cast and crew, fandom goings-on, etc). I've been taking old secrets from fandomsecrets so far, but the farther I go back, the more broken links there are; so if you're interested, submit here!

The results of the movie synopsis meme I did.

Choose up to four (or less) actors/actresses and put their names in my askbox. I’ll put my music player on shuffle and whatever song pops up, I’ll create a graphic and a film synopsis for it.

kate gave me Jackie Chan, Kate Winslet, Rachel Luttrell, and Jensen Ackles. The song I got was the piano collections version of "Eyes on Me".

So I kind of failed at the synopsis part, because I 1) had no idea what to pick for character names and 2) everything I tried to write came out sounding really cheesy, but I couldn't get away from the connotations of the (vocal version) of the song to the game, so I was thinking that the four of them were working in a medium-ish, but classy, old-fashioned sort of hotel. Jackie Chan is the manager, Kate a bartender, Rachel is the jazz singer, and Jensen's a waiter. It would be one of those vignette-type movies (like Shinya Shokudo) where it's split up into little sections, each focusing on a different guest, and how the employees help them through it. Who stops by the hotel is up to you, I guess, since I forgot to leave anyone to play the role of the guest :P

The title was taken from another song off the FF8 soundtrack.

So I just found 20inspirations, stargate20in20, ff20in20, and sprntrl20in20, and they are all active! I really miss chevronlocked but it looks like these are also really good inspirational and relatively low-stress icon challenge comms :D

And although I don't really use them anymore or bother to switch from my default userpic like, 90% of the time, I do miss making icons. It's a different kind of flexibility than making larger graphics, and I have a lot more textures for them.

fandom: stargate atlantis, meme

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