Organizing things

Jun 12, 2011 20:25

I always feel sort of bad commenting on something if it's been posted a while ago (with "a while" being variable based on the date of the last comment posted, whether or not the OP has dropped the fandom, things like that, but usually older than a few months). I know it's kind of weird, and I'm pretty sure that most people wouldn't care one way or another (I still have some people comment on my old graphics comm occasionally, and I don't care either way), but it feels weird to me, like I'm jumping in to a discussion that everyone's already finished. That's not a good metaphor, but that's sort of what it feels like.

Anyways, the point of that being that I'm going to try to stay more up-to-date on reading fics/art so that I actually comment on them. And I want to clear out my bookmarks because seeing the "marked to read later" count only go up is bugging me lol. I want to get the Read It Later equivalent of Inbox 0.

Also, I've been working on a website redesign (with spiffy jQuery this time!) and I'm wondering whether or not I should split up graphics (ie, photomanips, blends, and the like) and hand-drawn fanart, or keep them together. I ask partly because on tumblr, I find that I have a tendency to tag hand-drawn fanart as "fanart", while tagging coloured screencap collages as "graphics". If it's more than simply colouring the screencaps and putting them together though, then I still tend to tag it "fanart". I guess I'm sort of uncomfortable with calling basic recolouring fanart since so little is changed from the original source? Not to say that recolouring doesn't take skill and effort, but it seems to be in a different category to me than collages/blends/manips. Thoughts?
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