SGA Reverse Bang

Jun 04, 2011 00:21

My piece, Advent, is here: LJ / DW (John, Rodney, Teyla, gen).

The fic that goes with it, The Dreaming City, was written by
camshaft22 and falconsheart, and you can read it here: LJ | DW. I haven't actually read it yet *fail* so I don't know what it's about beyond that it's gen and what it says in the summary: After Atlantis starts malfunctioning, John learns something about the city that will change their lives forever.

I fell asleep for like, way longer than I expected after reveals this morning, and TBH I'm still tired, so I'll get back to commenting later, but I just want to say that seeing my flist squee over
sgareversebang / sgareversebang makes it all seem worth it. Enjoy, you guys ♥

Although of course, now that this is over for the year, I'm already getting ideas of new fests/challenges to start up *facepalm*

fandom: stargate atlantis, challenge: sgareversebang

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