(no subject)

May 25, 2011 23:33

I asked a question about this year's mcshep_match and its new rules, and I think I understand what the mods intended to do, ie, get rid of the team themes altogether and each participant would only focus on making their submission fitting their prompt. I guess they just... worded everything really confusingly in the beginning. But this clears things up for me. And I'm glad that they decided to get rid of the "portrayal of the character" voting question, which would have contradicted their goal of being less competitive.

I've been looking at promo pics for Torchwood and SPN, and started getting on tumblr again, and I really wish that TPTB would stop insisting on Photoshopping all their promo pics. Almost everyone on TV is already considered to be more "mainstream" attractive than the average person anyways, and too much Photoshop tends to give them that glassy-eyed creepy doll stare. I remember there was an LJ user who released HQ raw promo pics from SPN and other shows, but I forget who it was, and I think I lost the bookmark in my Delicious -> Diigo -> Delicious migrations :(
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