Finished Professor Layton and the Unwound Future today. My thoughts, with spoilers, under the cut.
-I really liked this one. It felt more like The Curious Village, with its creepy-in-the-background vibe. And I found the NPCs to be more memorable than in Pandora's Box too.
-The music was good, some of it during the cutscenes was downright awesome. Very atmospheric and tied in to the theme.
-The puzzles are still not without flaws. I can remember a few that were worded in a very confusing manner. Not like, word puzzle tricky, but just, bad translation confusing. So some did end up being just trial-and-error. But overall I had less trouble with this game's puzzles than the other two. Not that there weren't some hard ones. The 'Special Hint' was a nice addition too.
-I found the mini-games to be a bit boring, unfortunately.
-Good cutscenes, decent plot, although it is pretty predictable. My main problem with the plot though (and this really is a YMMV thing) is that it's centered around Layton's sort-of-ex-fiance. I just never wanted to see Layton with any sort of romantic interest. I just find it strange, personally.
-THE ENDING CUTSCENE. I SAW LAYTON'S HAIR. IT WAS A REALLY WEIRD MOMENT. It makes sense in context, going with Layton's whole gentleman character, but I still wish they'd left his hair a mystery. Just do a dramatic cut or a silhouette or something.
And a meme taken from
monanotlisa Interview Yourself
[The only pertinent rule is: replace any question that you dislike with a new question.]
What fic got you started?
Reading fic? I think it would have to be this really old Gundam Wing fic that my sister linked me to. I don't even remember what it's called anymore, but I think Heero might've grown wings? And it was 1x2 slash. I didn't really like it all that much, but I did start poking around for more fics after that.
What word/words/phrase do you constantly overuse?
Probably "really". I could use some new adjectives. Or "dude".
What's the latest movie you watched?
Strangely enough, Salt, like
monanotlisa :)
What is the one skill you wish you had?
I wish I could be ambidextrous.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
This changes all the time, and very often, but I guess at the moment my newest shiny obsession is the BBC's Sherlock and Being Human.
What's your favourite season?
Probably spring.
Whose fic will you always read?
I'm not particularly picky about fic. I'll read it if it sounds interesting and stop if I end up not liking it. I guess I could say authors on my flist/reading page?
How do you drink your tea?
Hot Indonesian Jasmine tea with 1 3/4 tablespoons of sugar in it. Sometimes with milk.
What was the last thing you bought?
A new lab book because I'd left my old one at home.
If you win 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Save it for the god-knows how many more years of school I have left.
Where did your username come from?
Partly and inside joke between my friends and partly from my high school Japanese class. My friends and I all had food-related nicknames. I was Marshmallow (yeah, weird, I know) and when we were making up skits in Beginner's Japanese I translated it into mashimero.
What gets you more het up: bad grammar or bad driving?
I don't really drive, so bad grammar, definitely. I just cannot stand to read anything longer than a few sentences with bad grammar, unless English isn't the writer's first language or it's a narrative piece and there's a reason for the bad grammar (although even then I still find it a pain to read). I can excuse a few mistakes, but if someone's not going to make the effort to write clearly, I'm not going to waste my time trying to decode it. /end rant.
What's the last thing that made you happy?
Getting an A on my math assignment today.
Do you speak more than one language?
Sort of? More like, 1 and 3/4. Those three-quarters being French, Japanese, and Indonesian.
Can you think of any more questions?
Nope, but feel free to ask.
I tag anyone who wants to do it.