Daily art project

Sep 09, 2010 01:33

I'm planning, for this semester at least, to do one little art-thing per school day. Most probably chibis, maybe something more ambitious if I feel up to it. I've already started, but I think I'm gonna run out of ideas real quick. So if you have any prompts, leave a comment to this entry. Crossovers, crack, pretty much any pairings welcome.

Fandoms I can do:
Stargate Atlantis
...and a whole bunch of Japanese action/RPG games that I'm not gonna bother to list. But basically, if I've seen/read/talked about it before, I can try and draw it :)

ETA: No guarantees on which prompts I will end up doing or when.

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comment(s). Feel free to comment wherever you like.

!prompt me, challenge: the daily art project

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