McShep Match recs and movies

Sep 03, 2010 02:49

Hello! I've been busy trying to finish a ton of art before school starts up again, but I did want to mention some of my favourite
mcshep_match fics before voting closes, and also since I can't seem to sleep right now. (I'm not going to do art, since there's only 5 per team, I'd end up reccing them all).

I've only read maybe 1/3 of the fics, so I'm sure I'm going to be leaving out a lot of good stuff.

Tied to the Rocket - Pre-series AU! What can I say, I have a weakness for young!John and Rodney.

The Office - Really interesting fic, because it focuses on an ensemble cast instead of just the John/Rodney relationship.

Mamihlapinatapai - (I really hope I spelt that right) A different look at Pegasus culture. This fic just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Cloud Nine - AU where John and Rodney work at the Weather Station. It is awesome. That's all I can say.

because falling's not the problem - Short, sweet fic that has a whole lot of humour.

So go read, and vote *dough*forTeamWork*cough* if you can!

Scott Pilgrim vs the World
I'll admit I haven't read the comic book. So based on the movie alone, I don't understand why everyone loves Scott Pilgrim (the character). Maybe it's my 'meh' feelings for Michael Cera that are getting in the way of me liking the character? But I really don't understand why everyone thinks Scott is so awesome. I thought that Scott and Ramona were my least favourite characters in the film. Not that I disliked them, but just that I didn't really care.

I did love the effects, and the cinematography though.

It was a lot better than I thought it'd be. I wasn't expecting it to be more than the usual Hollywood spy/action flick. Thinking back on it I can't pick out why, plot-wise, I enjoyed it more than other recent action movies. It has the same kind of improbable twisty plot you see in so many action movies. But somehow Salt keeps your disbelief suspended enough to keep it from seeming too cheesy. Also, yay for Salt stopping to change into proper boots and pants instead of running around in heels!

I was expecting a straight-up comedy, and while it was really funny, it was also pretty touching. Awesome score too. I like how Kick-Ass actually does suck at being a superhero, how even at the end he's still just an average kid. And the scene where Big Daddy dies? DDDDD: I honestly never thought they'd go through with burning him alive. I was expecting a last-minute save up until... he died :(

Also, I mailed out postcards to everyone who asked for them way back at the start of summer. I hope they all arrived safely!

Currently addicted to twitter and tumblr, but I should be back to my regular DW/LJ schedule by next week (with art!).

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comment(s). Feel free to comment wherever you like.

movie, rec, fandom: stargate atlantis

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