"Bizzare Perfection" Exhibition in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

May 02, 2009 21:53

Были с детьми в Музее Израиля в Иерусалиме.
Замечательная выставка -

"Bizzare Perfection".
December 19, 2008 - June 6, 2009
Exhibition online

"This exhibition celebrates the artisanship, skill, and dexterityinvolved in creating works of art and unique objects through long,labor-intensive processes. Throughout history and all around the world,a great variety of stimuli have impelled artists of different culturesto push their creative abilities to the limit. Talent and experience,combined with persistence and patience, guided their hands in makingobjects so exquisite as to inspire amazement and even disbelief."

Например, Kitchen by Liza Lou
до мельчайших деталей оформлена с помощью стекляруса и бисера. Даже вода из крана...

Или "Two Women" by Ron Mueck

Я получила огромное удовольствие. Детям тоже было интересно.
Кстати, сейчас для детей по субботам вход бесплатный.

thoughts, beauty, diary, for kids, crafts, art

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