
Aug 16, 2009 20:09

This morning during church we were singing that "How great is our God, sing with me, How great is our God" song. I find that is' very easy for me to just sing the words of songs without actually thinking about them. . so as we were singing God reminded me of how many times he commanded the Israelites in the OT to remember what he has done (sidenote: REALLY need to get back on my read-through-the-Bible. I got stuck in Psalms!). Anyway - so I started remembering why God is great as I was singing - focusing mainly on things recorded in the Bible - though personal things as well.

After the song was over someone prayed and mentioned the remembering of the things God has done. I always love it when God tells me something during worship and then I hear the same thing later. :)

and then later we sang

my eyes are dry, my faith is old, my heart is hard, my prayers are cold. And I know I ought to be alive to you and dead to me.

Oh what can be done with a heart like mine? Soften it up with oil and with wine. The oil is you, Your spirit of love. Come wash me anew in the wine of your blood.

and with that song I got to stop singing and just and smile at first. Then I sang with remembrance - - the words aren't true for me today - but they have been - and I was able to rejoice that the oil and the wine had indeed softened my heart. That I was no longer staring at a ceiling with dry eyes and cold prayers. I don't really know when/where I transitioned from the battered faith that had so long been my burden - - but today when I no longer felt a connection to that song - but isntead just a remembrance - I knew I've finally moved on - moved forward. I kept hoping to go back - - but I'm so glad I went forward. :)
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