Dec 24, 2005 22:47
Had work today from 11-5 but it wasn't that bad. Afterward I went to my Aunt Gail's for some Christmas Eve festivities which involved, my favorite, food! The party was going great; we were all laughing and having a good time talking about our past family parties, semester grades, and future plans. Then, of course, something has to come and ruin it. My Grandmom started to choke and she couldn't breath. She started to gag and it was really scary. My uncle had to perform the heimlich on her, but it took a while for it to actually work. What was really less than five minutes seemed like a lifetime. She finally stopped gagging and started to breath normally but it still shook me up. I'm still shaking. When it happened I felt not emotion, but once I got in my car to drive here, to my dad's, I just broke down. Ugh. Merry Christmas.
I just have to think of the upside of things, she is fine now and can spend Christmas with the people that she loves and love her in return.
Sorry for all who had to read's not the usual corny entries I usually write :).