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Как-то на семинаре у вальдорфцев пели шуточную песню "Оh, no, John". Поискала её в интернете - а там бесчисленное множество её исполнений и интерпретаций, одна интересней другой! Слушаю, балдею)))
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On yonder hill there stands a creature,
Who she is I do not know
I will court her for her beauty,
She must answer yes or no
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
My father was a Spanish Captain,
Went to sea a month ago
First he kissed me, then he left me,
Bid me always answer no
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
Oh madam in your face is beauty,
On your lips red roses grow
Will you take me for your lover,
Madam answer yes or no
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
Oh madam I will give you jewels,
I will make you rich and free
I will give you silken dresses,
Madam will you marry me?
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
Oh madam since you are so cruel,
And that you do scorn me so
If I may not be your lover,
Madam will you let me go?
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
Then I will stay with you forever,
If you will not be unkind
Madam I have vowed to love you,
Would you have me change my mind?
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!
Oh hark, I hear the churchbells ringing,
Will you come and be my wife?
Or dear madam, have you settled,
To live single all your life?
Oh no John, No John, No John, No!